Taco Hoekwater
Hi guys,
I should warn you that I am moving all files about in the repository to get a more flexible tree, in preparation for a beta release tomorrow. Your next checkout likely be huge.
I see you have created a trunk (which is good) and a tools directory (which is outside of the standard trunk/branches/tags triade and for that reason not managed well by all Subversion clients). The tools directory contains a script for creating snapshots. It does that by snapshotting a work copy of the trunk after cleaning out some backup files and stuff. Basically, that's a bad idea. The "normal" process for creating a snapshot is to use svn status to make sure everything worthwhile is checked into the trunk, then use svn copy https://whatever/luatex/{trunk,tags/snapshot-`date +%Y%m%d`} to create a tag _in_ the repository. Then check out the _tag_ and package it while it is fresh, possibly running autogen.sh or something similar before packaging it in order to pregenerate some stuff that might need utilities not available to the end user, or to generate README and INSTALL files or similar (from other files) when the user can expect their presence in a tarball. That way, the snapshot is guaranteed to have a well-defined reproducible state corresponding to the tag. The alternatives are more likely to cause goofs and trouble in my opinion. Anyway, the routine for packaging a snapshot is best kept together with the branch/tag/whatever: in that way, a checkout of a tag contains everything for making a snapshot tarball with the same procedure with which it had been created in the first place. Anyway, that's what struck me when seeing the current layout. And I have released and prereleased software (and discussed and created the infrastructure for snapshotting together with other developers) in some projects. All the best, -- David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum