Hi, I'm using Windows. Luatex interprets the command line as if it were UTF-8, so I cannot write accents in the file names. E.g.:
luaplainJA Canción.tex This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.76.0-2013052306 (rev 4627) ! String contains an invalid utf-8 sequence. <*> Canci ¾n.tex ?
Can just Luatex ask some C library IO function to open the name it was passed in, without it trying to be too smart parsing the name? If this is not posible, those of you who use Windows, how do you solve it? Not being able to write accents or other kinds of characters in the filename is a déja-vu form the protohistory of informatics. If Luatex cannot just open the file, it should at least process the commad line transforming it from the platform-locale specific encoding to UTF-8, thence passing the arguments & filename to whatever routines it wants. Regards, -- Javier A. M.