Hello, LuaTeX does not seem to log the hyphenation memory usage anymore when in IniTeX mode. pdfTeX: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6) (INITEX) entering extended mode [...] Beginning to dump on file ../web2c/ktex.fmt (format=ktex 2007.12.8) 3245 strings of total length 50066 8638 memory locations dumped; current usage is 64&8395 1676 multiletter control sequences \font\nullfont=nullfont 0 words of font info for 0 preloaded fonts 14 hyphenation exceptions Hyphenation trie of length 13987 has 388 ops out of 35111 207 for language 1 181 for language 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LuaTeX: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.20.0-2007120716 (Web2C 7.5.6) (INITEX) [...] Beginning to dump on file ../web2c/luaktex.fmt (format=luaktex 2007.12.8) 2970 strings of total length 47739 45428 memory locations dumped; current usage is 48&8787 1788 multiletter control sequences \font\nullfont=nullfont 0 preloaded fonts 0 words of active ocps \ocp\nullocp=nullocp 0 preloaded ocps \ocplist\nullocplist=[] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I do not know if the new hyphenation mechanism still allows for logging its memory usage, and if it is still deemed useful/necessary. I just noticed this change since 0.11.2. Jonathan