luigi scarso wrote:
On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Graham Douglas
wrote: luigi scarso wrote: Thank you Graham. I have found the mingw installer http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/Automated%20MinGW%20Installer/mi...
I build luatex under windows for quite some time, but so far it never happened, that the installer provided by mingw + msys just worked :) Most of problems I found was related to make (ie. in previous versions both mingw and msys provided make version 3.81, both printed exactly the same version message, but in fact they worked _completely_ different). But once I finally found the proper one, it was enough to hit sh build.sh sh build.sh --make (plus strip ...\luatex.exe at the end) Personally I've learned to dislike shells provided by msys as they to some magic I don't understand (simulates fstab mounting etc.). Thanks for this link, it looks promising (at least it takes care about basic utils and installs a fresh GCC version). -- Pawe/l Jackowski P.Jackowski@gust.org.pl