Reinhard Kotucha
On 21 February 2010 Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
In such moments I always wonder how far I can annoy you until being banned. One more try ;)
There's always the LuaTeX user list (luatex@tug.org) ;-)
Since Paweł asked Hans and Taco explicitly, I suppose that it doesn't make any difference on which list he asks.
There are significant statistical differences in sports depending on whether you are playing against the same team on their or on your home turf, to the unbalanced applause of the respective audience. And it is routine for comedy features to transmit canned or live audience laughter for the sake of listeners. Works too. "If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. It's up to you, dev- lu- a- tex..." Thanks, you are too kind. -- David Kastrup