On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 8:29 PM Hans Hagen <j.hagen@xs4all.nl> wrote:
On 9/17/2019 2:56 PM, luigi scarso wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 2:52 PM Marcel Fabian Krüger <tex@2krueger.de
> <mailto:tex@2krueger.de>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     the node(.direct).uses_font helpers currently always return false for
>     glyph nodes:
>     In the implementation
>     static int lua_nodelib_direct_uses_font(lua_State * L)
>     {
>          halfword n = lua_tointeger(L,1);
>          halfword f = lua_tointeger(L,2);
>          halfword p;
>          if (type(n) == glyph_node) {
>              lua_pushboolean(L,font(n) == f);
>          } else if (type(n) == disc_node) {
>              uses_font_disc(pre_break,p,n);
>              uses_font_disc(post_break,p,n);
>              uses_font_disc(no_break,p,n);
>          }
>          /* todo: other node types */
>          lua_pushboolean(L,0);
>          return 1;
>     }
>     the actual result is first calculated, but then the last pushboolean
>     pushes a `false` on top of the stack and return this false.
>     It could e.g. be fixed by adding a `return 1;` at the end of the first
>     if block. `disc` nodes are not affected because uses_font_disc is a
>     macro containing `return`.
>     A minimal example in plain LuaTeX:
>     \directlua{
>        local g = node.new'glyph'
>        g.font = font.current()
>        if not node.uses_font(g, font.current()) then
>          error'This should not happen'
>        end
>        node.free(g)
>     }
>     \bye
> hm, probably a missed else, ie
> } else {
>      /* todo: other node types */
>      lua_pushboolean(L,0);
>   }
        if (type(n) == glyph_node) {
               lua_pushboolean(L,font(n) == f);
               return 1;

in the luatex version two times return 1 needs to be added (sorry, it
went unnoticed because in lm hese returns are there)


Committed revision 7191