Hi, I have just committed an initial merge of the rest of Aleph. Code status = alpha, of course; what did you expect? ;-). If \pdfoutput=1, then the resulting binary is essentially an unchanged pdfetex 1.40-beta-20060213, except that: * there is no way to turn eTeX off * My \clearmarks patch is included * TeXXeT is removed. Missing primitives from pdfeTeX: \TeXXeTstate \beginL \beginR \endL \endR Therefore, PDF mode is Left-to-Right only for the time being. OTOH, it should be possible to use the '8-bit' extensions provided by Aleph like "fi" stretchability, \localleftbox, and math extensions, and even ocp processing (as long as you stick to 8-bit glyph indices). If \pdfoutput=0, then it is roughly equivalent to aleph-rc2. The following primitives from Aleph are not present: \AlephVersion \Alephminorversion \Alephrevision \Alephversion \OmegaVersion \Omegaminorversion \Omegarevision \Omegaversion \eTeXVersion \eTeXminorversion \chardp (use eTeX's \fontchardp) \charht (use eTeX's \fontcharht) \charit (use eTeX's \fontcharit) \charwd (use eTeX's \fontcharwd) \pageheight (use pdfTeX \pdfpageheight) \pagewidth (use pdfTeX \pdfpagewidth) The split between 'pdftex' and 'aleph' modes is likely to stay for a while. It was not very hard to simply add the aleph dvi code, but implementing a pdf backend to aleph will take quite a lot longer. I will spend the rest of this week as well as next week debugging the merge (so that it will not be possible to make it segfault any more), updating to aleph-rc4 and pdftex-beta-20060725, and documenting all the changes I have made to make both engines cooperate. Hopefully, by the end of next week there will be something that is usable/testable by non-debugger-happy people. Cheers, Taco