You say "it takes care of everything" as if all problems of Arabic typography have been solved. They are not! It would be interesting to find out what exactly your system does more than (a) Omega and (b) luatex.

TeX-e-Parsi is not my system. And yes, I am here so that we can discuss the strength of each of these systems and eventually we can come up with a conclusion. When I said "it takes care of everything", Iwas talking about the left and right directions.

And I don't really see what the issue is: are we talking for or against the bidirectional algorithm? or is it for or against your system's typesetting features?

In the first case, then I think the issue is clear: every current Arabic system must be bidi-compliant. In the second case, I would like to know more about your system, so please do not disappear.

I believe there is no issue. We are taking for better bidirectional algorithm. I am not talking for my system, as I said before that is not my system. I will not disappear and will talk more about TeX-e-Parsi;s features.

I just felt that you guys think the current bidirectional algorithm of LuaTeX is fine and have no interest to study other systems.

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