Hi all, It is already time for a new snapshot. It does not have a lot much news, but it fixes a few important bugs in the lua node processing. Also a few utility functions are added: * tex.round() rounds and bounds checks a lua number to make sure it is a valid tex integer. * tex.scale() multiplies a number (or the numeric values in a table) with a fixed quantity, and calls tex.round() on the result. * node.has_field() Test if a node has a specified field name * node.remove() removes a node from a nodelist, while keeping the list intact * node.insert_before() inserts a new node into a nodelist, just before a specified location node * node.insert_before() inserts a new node into a nodelist, just after a specified location node * node.hpack() packages a nodelist into a hlist node And last but not least, Hans has spend quite a bit of time removing formatting inconsistencies from the reference manual. Happy TeXing, Taco