And the advantage of using FontForge could also be to have code for modifying glyphs and saving them in new fonts...

Le 28 janv. 09 à 20:54, Barry Schwartz a écrit :

Arthur Reutenauer <> skribis:
 As a matter of fact, while FreeType 1 came with a few utilities
demonstrating basic OpenType capabilities, FreeType 2 dropped them
entirely, and it seems, from browsing the documentation, that there
there is not even an OpenType-specific API in the latter (whereas there
is one for BDF, PCF, PFR fonts ...)  I've always wondered about this
fact, but couldn't find any reason for it.

 If Werner Lemberg reads the list, maybe he can enlighten us.

There is no real OT support in FreeType2. If you want kerning you'd
better have a kern table. :)

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                            ...pour distinguer l'extérieur d'un aquarium,
                                           mieux vaut n'être pas poisson

                           ...the ball I threw while playing in the park
                                          has not yet reached the ground

              Es gab eine Zeit, wo ich nur ungern über Schubert sprechen,
           nur Nächtens den Bäumen und Sternen von ihm vorerzählen mögen.