The hpack_filter is not the right callback, at least not for now. I could make a dedicated callback for line packaging, maybe?
It is possible to get the "prepared paragraph" using the "post_linebreak_filter", but then you have a bit of work to do. Here is the code:
Thank you! A few questions, though:
\directlua0{ callback.register('post_linebreak_filter', function(head) % head is the alternating list of hboxes and glues etc. for i in node.traverse_id('hlist',head) do if i.next == nil then % last line has no next v = node.hpack(i.list,'natural')
"v" should be local, of course. The two-parameter form of node.hpack is a bit strange (since not explained in the manual). Is above line different from "v = node.hpack(i.list)"? (Incidentally, the manual also does not note that node.traverse_id can take a string as its first parameter.)
print (v.width / 65535) % next two lines prevent memory leaks v.list = nil
I don't quite understand why this is necessary. Since node.hpack creates a new node list, why should this list not be freed by node.free?
node.free(v) end end return true end) }
If you want to be 'perfect', you should copy i.list to and remove the last glue(s) from the copy before hpacking() it: the final glue(s) may have a non-zero natural width.
I'll call that a feature ;-)
Which leads me to another question: When having a \hbox node list, how to I determine the horizontal (when typesetting horizontally) resp. vertical (when typesetting vertically) position of a node relative to the left/top edge of the \hbox? I would think that after line breaking, each node should know this position, but how do I access it?
Using the function above, you can calculate the position within a paragraph by adding up the various widths and heights and depths.
Umm ... in the case of a glyph node, I then would access the font using font.fonts[glyph.font] and then retrieve the character's dimensions from the appropriate table? Since as far as I can see, not all nodes store their dimension directly.
Best wishes, Taco
Thanks in advance, Jonathan