Hans Hagen
not even that, you just (re)construct node lists and manipulate glyph nodes (which can have lig info)
I just get concerned when I see reference to stuff like ligature info, because in general, and speaking in part as an amateur font designer, it seems difficult to stray from just strictly following the algorithm (an algorithm that is treated oddly casually in the spec). For example, once you throw in contextual alternates and contextual ligatures, you have two or more lookup tables to go through, with any number of single, multiple, and ligature substitutions, which have to be performed in order. Just throwing in 'dlig' along with 'liga', or even just one of them, is likely to get you two or more lookups to go through, with arbitrary substitutions performed in-between. In general, how can one know what the result will be without just going through lookup lists or equivalent data structures? I'd like to know if there are some shortcuts safely applicable to the general case, but I've failed completely to come up with any and after a while stopped trying. :) I've moved on to wonder how best to handle chaining contextual substitutions that look at glyphs in more than one word at a time.