On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 10:28, Khaled Hosny wrote:
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 10:17:49AM +0100, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
\definefontfeature [default] [liga=yes,kern=yes,tlig=yes,compose=yes] \definefontsynonym[hoefler][file:Hoefler Text.ttc][features=default]
Can this even work? AFAIK TTC is a collection of fonts, so you need to select one of the fonts in the collection, may be: file:Hoefler Text.ttc(0)
I have no idea if that can work or not. (I have never really looked into how the fonts are composed. But using the zero at the end doesn't help.) But apparently it does work, since I can make the character "ŏ" (obreve) appear with that strategy without a problem, it only crashes when the needed accent is missing. It seems that the accent "bottom dot", "bottom macron" are missing in Hoefler TeX (and most probably some other accents as well) and this is the reason why it "crashes". However, it is not clear to me whether it is more appropriate for LuaTeX to crash or to ignore that (if it crashes at least the user notices that something is wrong). If I use "\textbottomaccent" per-se then LuaTeX doesn't crash (should it?), it just doesn't output anything. So: I'm really not sure whether it should be ConTeXt or LuaTeX that should take care of missing glyphs ... And I'm not sure if there is some simple way to fake accents such as bottom dot or bottom macron as well (providing some explicit font-specific settings). But this is something for the ConTeXt gurus (or maybe for your packages), not for luatex-dev. Mojca