Re: [dev-context] Mac installation package

I'd be glad if as many people as possible on this list would give it a try and report back their experience. Once the package turns out to work as intended I'll make it available to the wider public.
I gave it a try and it works quite nice. Since I am currently using Context/MKII (Installed via the TexLive 2008 distribution) for my documents, your solution would provide even me with a fairly simple method to use the current minimals installation and to try out MKIV. Even switching between "Context-2009-06-11-beta", "gwTeX" and "TeXLive-2008" by using the TeX Distribution system preference panel works. A Testdocument works with "TeXLive-2008" (texexec produktvorschlag.tex) as well as with your installation "Context-2009-06-11-beta" (context produktvorschlag.tex) Another Question though: ------------------------ Would it be possible to install (optionally perhaps) third party modules like t-letter and t-simplefonts also? I would like to try to use Myriad Pro and using simplefonts seems to be the simplest solution for that (at least for me when reading through the wiki. I don't think that I am able to create typescripts, support files for TeX etc.). Or can I install these third party modules by myself in your "Context-2009-06-11-beta" tree (downloading in your folder "/usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta" failed for me, perhaps due to missing rights?)? Many thanks for working on such a nice installer package for such a simple users as me on the Mac. Best Regards Jörg

I gave it a try and it works quite nice. Since I am currently using Context/MKII (Installed via the TexLive 2008 distribution) for my documents, your solution would provide even me with a fairly simple method to use the current minimals installation and to try out MKIV. Even switching between "Context-2009-06-11-beta", "gwTeX" and "TeXLive-2008" by using the TeX Distribution system preference panel works. A Testdocument works with "TeXLive-2008" (texexec produktvorschlag.tex) as well as with your installation "Context-2009-06-11-beta" (context produktvorschlag.tex)
Would it be possible to install (optionally perhaps) third party modules like t-letter and t-simplefonts also?
Yeah, that should be doable. The Apple installer definitely supports packages with several (optional) components. And I think it's a very nice thing to have right out of the box. I'll put it on the roadmap. In the meantime you may install any third party material manually (see below).
Or can I install these third party modules by myself in your "Context-2009-06-11-beta" tree (downloading in your folder "/usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta" failed for me, perhaps due to missing rights?)?
Well, you can. If you want these modules to be available to all local users of your Mac place the entire directory hierarchy of each module in the tree /usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local. You'll need admin access though since /usr/local/context is a protected system directory. If you want the modules to be available only to yourself put their files in ~/Library/texmf (where ~ denotes your home directory). For this you don't need admin rights. Be warned though that the ~/Library/ texmf tree is shared with TeXLive. Hence anything you put there supersedes older versions of the same stuff contained in TeXLive and this might cause some funny interferences when you run an old ConTeXt from the TeXLive distribution ... In both cases you need to issue luatools --generate before ConTeXt recognizes the new additions. If you installed the modules in the system location you need to repeat this step for each local user. Note that this package is still experimental so ~/Library/texmf (as well as most other things) might be subject to change. Oliver

Would it be possible to install (optionally perhaps) third party modules like t-letter and t-simplefonts also? Yeah, that should be doable. The Apple installer definitely supports packages with several (optional) components. ... I'll put it on the roadmap.
Great. Many thanks for that!
Well, you can. If you want these modules to be available to all local users of your Mac place the entire directory hierarchy of each module in the tree /usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf- local. You'll need admin access though since /usr/local/context is a protected system directory.
I knew I need an installer. :-( I have downloaded the archive "" from <
and placed this zip file in the place "/usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local" and switched to the terminal:
---Terminal Output--- titus:~ jh$ su admin Password: ******** bash-3.2$ cd /usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local bash-3.2$ ls bash-3.2$ sudo unzip Password: ******** Archive: creating: tex/ creating: tex/context/ creating: tex/context/third/ creating: tex/context/third/simplefonts/ ... bash-3.2$ ls doc source tex bash-3.2$ sudo luatools --generate LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-osx-intel/bin LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-osx-intel LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta LuaTools | fileio: variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR, $SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} LuaTools | fileio: loading configuration file /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua ..... Then I tried a simple test file after using "luatool --generate" on my non-admin account: titus:wech jh$ luatool --generate titus:wech jh$ context myriad.tex ... ... /2009-06-11-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-otf.mkiv))) system : loaded ( fonts : preloading latin modern fonts bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded language : language en is active system : module simplefonts loaded (/usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local/tex/context/third/ simplefonts/t-simplefonts.tex loading : ConTeXt User Module / Simplefonts ! Undefined control sequence. l.707 \startprocesscommacommand [\simplefonts!weight] ? ---Terminal Output--- Well, it seems that your instructions did basically work, since the module simplefonts is loaded. But nevertheless the simple test file aborts and complains about " Undefined control sequence. l.707 \startprocesscommacommand[\simplefonts!weight]". Do you have an idea what went wrong on my side? The content of the file "myriad.tex" is just: \mainlanguage[de] \setuplayout[middle] % \definefontfeature[default][default][ % mode=node, % protrusion=quality, % expansion=quality, % onum=yes,pnum=yes] \usemodule[simplefonts] %[size=10pt] \setmainfont[Myriad Pro] % \setupbodyfont[ss,10pt] % % \setupinterlinespace[line=2.6ex] % % \definefont[big][Serif at .25\vsize] \starttext Nun denn. \stoptext The Myriad font is installed, see Screenshot "Schriftsammlung.pdf". Definitely a dump error on my side, but could you please give me a hint on how to proceed? It seems that I am really dependent on your installer... Many thanks again for your help and patience Best regards Joerg Hecke

I knew I need an installer. :-( I have downloaded the archive "" from <
and placed this zip file in the place "/usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local" and switched to the terminal:
---Terminal Output--- titus:~ jh$ su admin Password: ******** bash-3.2$ cd /usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local bash-3.2$ ls bash-3.2$ sudo unzip Password: ******** Archive: creating: tex/ creating: tex/context/ creating: tex/context/third/ creating: tex/context/third/simplefonts/ ... bash-3.2$ ls doc source tex bash-3.2$ sudo luatools --generate LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-osx-intel/bin LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-osx-intel LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta LuaTools | fileio: variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR, $SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} LuaTools | fileio: loading configuration file /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua .....
Then I tried a simple test file after using "luatool --generate" on my non-admin account: titus:wech jh$ luatool --generate titus:wech jh$ context myriad.tex ... ... /2009-06-11-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-otf.mkiv))) system : loaded ( fonts : preloading latin modern fonts bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded language : language en is active system : module simplefonts loaded (/usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local/tex/context/third/ simplefonts/t-simplefonts.tex loading : ConTeXt User Module / Simplefonts ! Undefined control sequence. l.707 \startprocesscommacommand [\simplefonts!weight] ? ---Terminal Output---
Well, it seems that your instructions did basically work, since the module simplefonts is loaded. But nevertheless the simple test file aborts and complains about " Undefined control sequence. l.707 \startprocesscommacommand[\simplefonts!weight]".
Do you have an idea what went wrong on my side?
Yes. Although the module is found it crashes during initialization. Observe that --- \usemodule[simplefonts] \starttext This tests whether the module \type{t-simplefonts} is loaded successfully. \stoptext --- already hangs. The reason is that the latest version of the t- simplefonts module (which is the one you obtained) makes use of ConTeXt kernel commands (\startprocesscommacommand) which seem to have only been introduced lately. In other words, the version I packaged into the experimental installer is too old for the current module. So not your fault. Keep in mind though that this might happen frequently without warning since you're working with development code here. For the moment I'm merely trying to establish something along the lines of a nightly installer build ... since there's no regression test suite I can't even test whether anything works but the most basic features. Also, modules don't check for a minimum kernel version required :-( Best, Oliver

Am 19.08.2009 um 10:43 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
Well, it seems that your instructions did basically work, since the module simplefonts is loaded. But nevertheless the simple test file aborts and complains about " Undefined control sequence. l.707 \startprocesscommacommand[\simplefonts!weight]".
Do you have an idea what went wrong on my side?
Yes. Although the module is found it crashes during initialization. Observe that
--- \usemodule[simplefonts]
This tests whether the module \type{t-simplefonts} is loaded successfully.
\stoptext ---
already hangs. The reason is that the latest version of the t- simplefonts module (which is the one you obtained) makes use of ConTeXt kernel commands (\startprocesscommacommand) which seem to have only been introduced lately. In other words, the version I packaged into the experimental installer is too old for the current module. So not your fault.
You're right and the command was added *for* the simplefonts module :)
Keep in mind though that this might happen frequently without warning since you're working with development code here. For the moment I'm merely trying to establish something along the lines of a nightly installer build ... since there's no regression test suite I can't even test whether anything works but the most basic features. Also, modules don't check for a minimum kernel version required :-(
There is a command to check the context version %D \macros %D {doifolderversionelse} %D %D We start with a macro specially for Aditya who wants to be able %D to use development versions of \MKIV\ for real documents. %D %D \starttyping %D \doifolderversionelse\contextversion{2001.02.03}{yes}{no} %D \doifolderversionelse\contextversion{3001.02.03}{yes}{no} %D \stoptyping and end the module and output a message in the terminal but then you will you will get a error message in the document itself because a few commands (e.g. \setmainfont) are no longer defined. Wolfgang

Keep in mind though that this might happen frequently without warning since you're working with development code here. For the moment I'm merely trying to establish something along the lines of a nightly installer build ... since there's no regression test suite I can't even test whether anything works but the most basic features. Also, modules don't check for a minimum kernel version required :-(
There is a command to check the context version
%D \macros %D {doifolderversionelse} %D %D We start with a macro specially for Aditya who wants to be able %D to use development versions of \MKIV\ for real documents. %D %D \starttyping %D \doifolderversionelse\contextversion{2001.02.03}{yes}{no} %D \doifolderversionelse\contextversion{3001.02.03}{yes}{no} %D \stoptyping
and end the module and output a message in the terminal but then you will you will get a error message in the document itself because a few commands (e.g. \setmainfont) are no longer defined.
Would it then be possible to have ConTeXt grind to a complete halt once it encounters a module whose minimum requirements aren't met? Since TeX would have to give up on the document anyway perhaps an early bail out could be the more graceful option ... what do you think? Oliver

Am 20.08.2009 um 10:23 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
Would it then be possible to have ConTeXt grind to a complete halt once it encounters a module whose minimum requirements aren't met?
\doifolderversionelse\contextversion{2100.01.01}\normalend\donothing %\doifolderversionelse\contextversion{2009.07.01}\normalend\donothing \starttext Hello \stoptext
Since TeX would have to give up on the document anyway perhaps an early bail out could be the more graceful option ... what do you think?
I can add this test to my module together with a message at the terminal. Wolfgang

Would it then be possible to have ConTeXt grind to a complete halt once it encounters a module whose minimum requirements aren't met?
\doifolderversionelse\contextversion{2100.01.01}\normalend\donothing %\doifolderversionelse\contextversion{2009.07.01}\normalend\donothing
\starttext Hello \stoptext
That's great! It's almost what I was looking for ... yet I think \normalend might not be drastic enough ;-) Namely, running this example with context test.tex gives me the following terminal output: --- MTXrun | run 1: luatex --fmt="/Users/oliver/.context/2009-06-13-beta/ luatex-cache/context/18b584d8d585db5fc4cbfa8499d343d8/formats/cont-en" --lua="/Users/oliver/.context/2009-06-13-beta/luatex-cache/context/ 18b584d8d585db5fc4cbfa8499d343d8/formats/cont-en.lui" --backend=pdf "./ general-0002.tex" This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.40.5-2009061123 (Web2C 2009) \write18 enabled. (general-0002.tex color : system all is global activated color : system gray is global activated color : mpcmyk color space is supported color : mpspot color space is supported color : system rgb is global activated color : system all is global activated ConTeXt ver: 2009.06.13 13:37 MKIV fmt: 2009.8.15 int: english/ english system : cont-new loaded (/usr/local/context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/ cont-new.tex systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex (/usr/local/context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/ cont-new.mkiv) (/usr/local/context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf-context/tex/ context/base/cont-mtx.tex)) system : cont-fil loaded (/usr/local/context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/ cont-fil.tex loading : ConTeXt File Synonyms ) system : cont-sys.rme loaded (/usr/local/context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/user/ cont-sys.rme (/usr/local/context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf-context/tex/ context/base/type-tmf.tex) (/usr/local/context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf- context/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex (/usr/local/context/2009-06-13- beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-siz.mkiv)) (/usr/local/ context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-otf.tex (/ usr/local/context/2009-06-13-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type- otf.mkiv))) system : loaded ( fonts : preloading latin modern fonts bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded language : language en is active ) mkiv lua stats : used config path - /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-13-beta/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf mkiv lua stats : used cache path - /Users/oliver/.context/ 2009-06-13-beta mkiv lua stats : input load time - 0.022 seconds mkiv lua stats : stored bytecode data - 170 modules, 45 tables, 215 chunks mkiv lua stats : cleaned up reserved nodes - 18 nodes, 8 lists of 1411 mkiv lua stats : node memory usage - 18 glue_spec, 2 dir mkiv lua stats : loaded patterns - en:us:pat:exc:2 mkiv lua stats : startup time - 0.706 seconds (including runtime option file processing) mkiv lua stats : callbacks - direct: 56, indirect: 4741, total: 4797 mkiv lua stats : loaded fonts - 31 files: lmmono12- regular.otf lmmono8-regular.otf lmmono9-regular.otf lmroman12-bold.otf lmroman12-regular.otf lmroman7-bold.otf lmroman7-regular.otf lmroman9- bold.otf lmroman9-regular.otf lmsans12-regular.otf lmsans8-regular.otf lmsans9-regular.otf eufb10.tfm eufb7.tfm eufb9.tfm eufm10.tfm eufm7.tfm eufm9.tfm msam10.tfm msam7.tfm msbm10.tfm msbm7.tfm lmex10.tfm lmmi12.tfm lmmi7.tfm lmmi9.tfm lmmib10.tfm lmmib7.tfm lmsy10.tfm lmsy7.tfm lmsy9.tfm mkiv lua stats : fonts load time - 0.369 seconds mkiv lua stats : result saved in file - general-0002.pdf mkiv lua stats : luatex banner - this is luatex, version beta-0.40.5 mkiv lua stats : control sequences - 29596 of 165536 mkiv lua stats : current memory usage - 29 MB (ctx: 29 MB) mkiv lua stats : runtime - 1.242 seconds MTXrun | total runtime: 1.270 --- This states erronously that the result was saved in a PDF file (sixth line from the bottom) although it wasn't (which is correct, of course). What's more important, the exit status of the context command is 0 (via echo $?) indicating that there was no problem at all! This might turn out problematic as soon as documents are processed in a batch run ... (like e.g. a regression test suite ;-)
Since TeX would have to give up on the document anyway perhaps an early bail out could be the more graceful option ... what do you think?
I can add this test to my module together with a message at the terminal.
This would be wonderful! Perhaps one could even integrate this requirement check into the module loading code of the kernel. For example, one might enforce that each valid module has to declare a field like "minkernelversion" in its header ... just thinking out loud. Oliver

Oliver Buerschaper wrote:
Would it then be possible to have ConTeXt grind to a complete halt once it encounters a module whose minimum requirements aren't met?
\doifolderversionelse\contextversion{2100.01.01}\normalend\donothing %\doifolderversionelse\contextversion{2009.07.01}\normalend\donothing
\starttext Hello \stoptext
That's great! It's almost what I was looking for ... yet I think \normalend might not be drastic enough ;-) Namely, running this example with
I'll add: \unprotect \def\forcequitjob#1% {\writestatus\m!systems{forcing quit: #1}% \batchmode \dorecurse\textlevel\stoptext \normalend} \protect \starttext test \forcequitjob{whatever} \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

Am 22.08.2009 um 13:47 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
What's more important, the exit status of the context command is 0 (via echo $?) indicating that there was no problem at all! This might turn out problematic as soon as documents are processed in a batch run ... (like e.g. a regression test suite ;-)
*You* want to write a test suite for ConTeXt?
Perhaps one could even integrate this requirement check into the module loading code of the kernel. For example, one might enforce that each valid module has to declare a field like "minkernelversion" in its header ... just thinking out loud.
The problem with such systems is they lead always to incompatibilities with older ConTeXt installations (think about TeXLive) and we had one at the end of last year when Hans changed the multilingual interface to allow a persian interface. Wolfgang

On Sun, 23 Aug 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 22.08.2009 um 13:47 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
What's more important, the exit status of the context command is 0 (via echo $?) indicating that there was no problem at all! This might turn out problematic as soon as documents are processed in a batch run ... (like e.g. a regression test suite ;-)
*You* want to write a test suite for ConTeXt?
The test suite is there. There is even a script in the test suit that compares the outputs of two versions at pixel level. All we need is people to submit tests and then someone to monitor the test suite. See
Perhaps one could even integrate this requirement check into the module loading code of the kernel. For example, one might enforce that each valid module has to declare a field like "minkernelversion" in its header ... just thinking out loud.
The problem with such systems is they lead always to incompatibilities with ConTeXt installations (think about TeXLive) and we had one at the end of last year when Hans changed the multilingual interface to allow a persian interface.
Loading of lua files has this feature. For modules, asking for a minimum kernel version is no guarantee that the module will work with future versions of ConTeXT :-) Aditya

Am 23.08.2009 um 17:22 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
*You* want to write a test suite for ConTeXt?
The test suite is there. There is even a script in the test suit that compares the outputs of two versions at pixel level. All we need is people to submit tests and then someone to monitor the test suite. See
Is this still alive and used? Wolfgang

On Sun, 23 Aug 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 23.08.2009 um 17:22 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
*You* want to write a test suite for ConTeXt?
The test suite is there. There is even a script in the test suit that compares the outputs of two versions at pixel level. All we need is people to submit tests and then someone to monitor the test suite. See
Is this still alive and used?
It is alive (as in, you can submit test cases) but it is not used. I think that Hans and Taco have made it clear that someone else need to volunteer for running the test suite. Sanjoy had some ideas, but then he became busy with other things. I still think that it is a good idea for people to submit examples to the test suite. Maybe having enough tests will be an incentive for someone to write a regression suite. Aditya

*You* want to write a test suite for ConTeXt?
The test suite is there. There is even a script in the test suit that compares the outputs of two versions at pixel level. All we need is people to submit tests and then someone to monitor the test suite. See
Yep, I almost forgot about that ... so we have a foundation to build on! Someone then also needs to decide on which test code conforms to (current) valid syntax (which is probably *not* just everything that compiles ... think of deprecated code, hacks, workarounds etc. that aren't considered best practices).
The problem with such systems is they lead always to incompatibilities with ConTeXt installations (think about TeXLive) and we had one at the end of last year when Hans changed the multilingual interface to allow a persian interface.
Loading of lua files has this feature. For modules, asking for a minimum kernel version is no guarantee that the module will work with future versions of ConTeXT :-)
Yes, but it's a start ... Oliver

What's more important, the exit status of the context command is 0 (via echo $?) indicating that there was no problem at all! This might turn out problematic as soon as documents are processed in a batch run ... (like e.g. a regression test suite ;-)
*You* want to write a test suite for ConTeXt?
Well, not exactly ... this might be too ambitious an endeavour for one person alone ;-) I'm trying though to store a bunch of test cases locally which I sporadically collect from the main mailing test whenever a bug report shows up. If only to have something I can test my installation package against ... For the moment I'm mainly interested in whether these test cases compile at all hence my remark about the exit status ... (After all, if that can't be automated any further verification steps will be pretty much useless I guess.)
Perhaps one could even integrate this requirement check into the module loading code of the kernel. For example, one might enforce that each valid module has to declare a field like "minkernelversion" in its header ... just thinking out loud.
The problem with such systems is they lead always to incompatibilities with older ConTeXt installations (think about TeXLive) and we had one at the end of last year when Hans changed the multilingual interface to allow a persian interface.
I agree that my suggestion would sacrifice backwards compatibility. At the same time I'm not sure how much change to the MkIV kernel is desirable given that MkII is considered frozen. I'm really in no position to have an educated opinion on whether there should be as few changes as possible or rather the occasional clear cut. It's just that if you guys think that some clear cuts are due for MkIV anyway then there will probably be never a better time than now to make module loading more bullet-proof. As I was saying, I'm just thinking out loud ;-) Oliver

Am 23.08.2009 um 17:52 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
I agree that my suggestion would sacrifice backwards compatibility. At the same time I'm not sure how much change to the MkIV kernel is desirable given that MkII is considered frozen. I'm really in no position to have an educated opinion on whether there should be as few changes as possible or rather the occasional clear cut. It's just that if you guys think that some clear cuts are due for MkIV anyway then there will probably be never a better time than now to make module loading more bullet-proof. As I was saying, I'm just thinking out loud ;-)
MkIV is ConTeXt’s feature without an doubt but it's not so easy as you think. I have myself two modules which work only with MkIV (simplefonts and games) but bigger ones like simpleslides or letter are just complexer styles and you can't expect from a user to upgrade to MkIV just to make a presentation or to write a short letter. I thought about integrating the version check into \setupmodule because the command is only used in modules and available in MkII and MkIV but Thomas and Aditya use it in the simpleslides module to pass parameters to the module and this a few times at different places and not only at the start of the file. Wolfgang

On Sun, 23 Aug 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 23.08.2009 um 17:52 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:
I agree that my suggestion would sacrifice backwards compatibility. At the same time I'm not sure how much change to the MkIV kernel is desirable given that MkII is considered frozen. I'm really in no position to have an educated opinion on whether there should be as few changes as possible or rather the occasional clear cut. It's just that if you guys think that some clear cuts are due for MkIV anyway then there will probably be never a better time than now to make module loading more bullet-proof. As I was saying, I'm just thinking out loud ;-)
MkIV is ConTeXt’s feature without an doubt but it's not so easy as you think.
I have myself two modules which work only with MkIV (simplefonts and games) but bigger ones like simpleslides or letter are just complexer styles and you can't expect from a user to upgrade to MkIV just to make a presentation or to write a short letter.
I thought about integrating the version check into \setupmodule because the command is only used in modules and available in MkII and MkIV but Thomas and Aditya use it in the simpleslides module to pass parameters to the module and this a few times at different places and not only at the start of the file.
If you have a suggestion that will make things cleaner, we (Thomas and I) can easily change the internals of simple slides to accomodate that. Aditya

Am 23.08.2009 um 22:06 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
On Sun, 23 Aug 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
I thought about integrating the version check into \setupmodule because the command is only used in modules and available in MkII and MkIV but Thomas and Aditya use it in the simpleslides module to pass parameters to the module and this a few times at different places and not only at the start of the file.
If you have a suggestion that will make things cleaner, we (Thomas and I) can easily change the internals of simple slides to accomodate that.
To stop the TeX run we can have \setupmodule[contextversion=2009.08.22] at the begin of a module and ConTeXt will abort the run if the key 'contextversion' has a value and context is older than the user has requested. In your module you can either use \getparameters or – what I think you want in your module – \setvariables because it's not very different to \setupmodule. Wolfgang

On Sun, 23 Aug 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 23.08.2009 um 22:06 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
On Sun, 23 Aug 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
I thought about integrating the version check into \setupmodule because the command is only used in modules and available in MkII and MkIV but Thomas and Aditya use it in the simpleslides module to pass parameters to the module and this a few times at different places and not only at the start of the file.
If you have a suggestion that will make things cleaner, we (Thomas and I) can easily change the internals of simple slides to accomodate that.
In your module you can either use \getparameters or – what I think you want in your module – \setvariables because it's not very different to \setupmodule.
I thought that \setupmodule was meant for passing parameters to modules, mainly because of the following comment in core-fil % \usemodule[newmml] % \usemodule[newmml][a=b] % \usemodule[x][newmml] % \usemodule[x][newmml][a=b] % % \startmodule [mathml] % \setupmodule[a=c] \relax [\currentmoduleparameter{a}] % user vars will be set afterwards % \setupmodule[a=c] \relax [\currentmoduleparameter{a}] % user vars are now forgotten % \stopmodule As, \setupmodule is just \getparameters with a few defaults in place, I can also use \getparamters with \currentmoduleparamters.
To stop the TeX run we can have
at the begin of a module and ConTeXt will abort the run if the key 'contextversion' has a value and context is older than the user has requested.
Do you want this to check to be part of the definition of \setupmodule? One difficultly that I see is that typically this will mean that we need to set this separately for each engine. Aditya

Am 24.08.2009 um 00:17 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
In your module you can either use \getparameters or – what I think you want in your module – \setvariables because it's not very different to \setupmodule.
I thought that \setupmodule was meant for passing parameters to modules, mainly because of the following comment in core-fil
Is this passing parameters to the module, I don't think so! \def\dosetupTitle[#1]% {\setupmodule[simpleslides:title][#1]}
As, \setupmodule is just \getparameters with a few defaults in place, I can also use \getparamters with \currentmoduleparamters.
You use \currentmoduleparameter only in t-simpleslides to load a style file but \moduleparameter is used many other files to setvariables etc. and the last one is more like \getvariables (which use rawparameters)
To stop the TeX run we can have
at the begin of a module and ConTeXt will abort the run if the key 'contextversion' has a value and context is older than the user has requested.
Do you want this to check to be part of the definition of \setupmodule? One difficultly that I see is that typically this will mean that we need to set this separately for each engine.
I don't need such a check, it was Olivers idea and I thought about a idea how this can be integrated without introducing a new command which breaks backward compatibility. Wolfgang

On Mon, 24 Aug 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 24.08.2009 um 00:17 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
In your module you can either use \getparameters or – what I think you want in your module – \setvariables because it's not very different to \setupmodule.
I thought that \setupmodule was meant for passing parameters to modules, mainly because of the following comment in core-fil
Is this passing parameters to the module, I don't think so!
\def\dosetupTitle[#1]% {\setupmodule[simpleslides:title][#1]}
Oh those. I had forgotten about them :) I will change these to \getvariables.
As, \setupmodule is just \getparameters with a few defaults in place, I can also use \getparamters with \currentmoduleparamters.
You use \currentmoduleparameter only in t-simpleslides to load a style file but \moduleparameter is used many other files to setvariables etc. and the last one is more like \getvariables (which use rawparameters)
I agree.
To stop the TeX run we can have
at the begin of a module and ConTeXt will abort the run if the key 'contextversion' has a value and context is older than the user has requested.
Do you want this to check to be part of the definition of \setupmodule? One difficultly that I see is that typically this will mean that we need to set this separately for each engine.
I don't need such a check, it was Olivers idea and I thought about a idea how this can be integrated without introducing a new command which breaks backward compatibility.
I meant that when you said \setupmodule[contextversion=...]", what is the implementation you had in mind. \setupmodule macro doing the checking, or the module writer doing the checking. Aditya

Am 24.08.2009 um 16:27 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
To stop the TeX run we can have \setupmodule[contextversion=2009.08.22] at the begin of a module and ConTeXt will abort the run if the key 'contextversion' has a value and context is older than the user has requested. Do you want this to check to be part of the definition of \setupmodule? One difficultly that I see is that typically this will mean that we need to set this separately for each engine.
I don't need such a check, it was Olivers idea and I thought about a idea how this can be integrated without introducing a new command which breaks backward compatibility.
I meant that when you said \setupmodule[contextversion=...]", what is the implementation you had in mind. \setupmodule macro doing the checking, or the module writer doing the checking.
I think it's up to the developer to write something in the module, e.g. but it's not so hard to integrate it into the \setupmodule command. % untested, it should only show how \setupmodule can be extended to stop a tex run % when a module is used with a too old context version \def\c!contextversion{contextversion} \def\doabortmodule#1#2#3% {\doif{#2}\c!contextversion{\doifolderversionelse\contextversion{#3} {\forcequitjob{#1}}\donothing}} \def\dosetupmodule[#1][#2]% {\scratchtoks\expandafter{\currentmoduleparameters}% \ifsecondargument \getparameters[\??md:#1:][#2]% \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:#1:][\the\scratchtoks]}% \processassignmentlist[#2]{\doabortmodule{#1}}% \else \getparameters[\??md:\currentmodule:][#1]% \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:\currentmodule:][\the \scratchtoks]}% \processassignmentlist[#1]{\doabortmodule\currentmodule}% \fi \let\currentmoduleparameters\empty} Wolfgang

Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 24.08.2009 um 16:27 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
To stop the TeX run we can have \setupmodule[contextversion=2009.08.22] at the begin of a module and ConTeXt will abort the run if the key 'contextversion' has a value and context is older than the user has requested. Do you want this to check to be part of the definition of \setupmodule? One difficultly that I see is that typically this will mean that we need to set this separately for each engine.
I don't need such a check, it was Olivers idea and I thought about a idea how this can be integrated without introducing a new command which breaks backward compatibility.
I meant that when you said \setupmodule[contextversion=...]", what is the implementation you had in mind. \setupmodule macro doing the checking, or the module writer doing the checking.
I think it's up to the developer to write something in the module, e.g.
but it's not so hard to integrate it into the \setupmodule command.
% untested, it should only show how \setupmodule can be extended to stop a tex run % when a module is used with a too old context version
\def\dosetupmodule[#1][#2]% {\scratchtoks\expandafter{\currentmoduleparameters}% \ifsecondargument \getparameters[\??md:#1:][#2]% \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:#1:][\the\scratchtoks]}%
no need for toks \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:#1:]\expandafter}\expandafter[\currentmoduleparameters]% but maybe a \hetparameterscommand makes more sense -)
\processassignmentlist[#2]{\doabortmodule{#1}}% \else \getparameters[\??md:\currentmodule:][#1]% \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:\currentmodule:][\the\scratchtoks]}% \processassignmentlist[#1]{\doabortmodule\currentmodule}% \fi \let\currentmoduleparameters\empty}
but anyway, i wonder if we should go that route; normally context is downward compatible and eventually mkiv will become more stable ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

Am 25.08.2009 um 00:20 schrieb Hans Hagen:
\def\dosetupmodule[#1][#2]% {\scratchtoks\expandafter{\currentmoduleparameters}% \ifsecondargument \getparameters[\??md:#1:][#2]% \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:#1:][\the\scratchtoks]}%
no need for toks
\expanded{\getparameters[\??md:#1:]\expandafter} \expandafter[\currentmoduleparameters]%
hey, you wrote \setupmodule and not me
but maybe a \hetparameterscommand makes more sense -)
\processassignmentlist[#2]{\doabortmodule{#1}}% \else \getparameters[\??md:\currentmodule:][#1]% \expanded{\getparameters[\??md:\currentmodule:][\the \scratchtoks]}% \processassignmentlist[#1]{\doabortmodule\currentmodule}% \fi \let\currentmoduleparameters\empty}
but anyway, i wonder if we should go that route; normally context is downward compatible and eventually mkiv will become more stable
it was just a example how things can be done Wolfgang

On Mon, 24 Aug 2009, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 24.08.2009 um 16:27 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
To stop the TeX run we can have \setupmodule[contextversion=2009.08.22] at the begin of a module and ConTeXt will abort the run if the key 'contextversion' has a value and context is older than the user has requested. Do you want this to check to be part of the definition of \setupmodule? One difficultly that I see is that typically this will mean that we need to set this separately for each engine.
I don't need such a check, it was Olivers idea and I thought about a idea how this can be integrated without introducing a new command which breaks backward compatibility.
I meant that when you said \setupmodule[contextversion=...]", what is the implementation you had in mind. \setupmodule macro doing the checking, or the module writer doing the checking.
I think it's up to the developer to write something in the module, e.g. but it's not so hard to integrate it into the \setupmodule command.
Thanks for clarifying. I also think that it is better to do this selectively for each module rather than in the core. Aditya

MkIV is ConTeXt’s feature without an doubt but it's not so easy as you think.
I have myself two modules which work only with MkIV (simplefonts and games) but bigger ones like simpleslides or letter are just complexer styles and you can't expect from a user to upgrade to MkIV just to make a presentation or to write a short letter.
I thought about integrating the version check into \setupmodule because the command is only used in modules and available in MkII and MkIV but Thomas and Aditya use it in the simpleslides module to pass parameters to the module and this a few times at different places and not only at the start of the file.
Perhaps this is too simple ... what about some passive check on behalf of the module? That is, would the MkII kernel evaluate another field in the module's header upon loading or ignore it because it doesn't recognize the additional info? In the latter case the MkIV kernel could evaluate the additional header and refuse to load the module if necessary. Of course, this wouldn't prevent an MkIV only module from being loaded in MkII but it would implement the compatibility check at least for MkIV. But that's probably fine given that some modules are MkIV exclusive already :-) And even for existing modules one will probably have to split into (frozen?) MkII and current MkIV versions at some point anyway ... Well, just a thought. Oliver

... The reason is that the latest version of the t-simplefonts module (which is the one you obtained) makes use of ConTeXt kernel commands (\startprocesscommacommand) which seem to have only been introduced lately. In other words, the version I packaged into the experimental installer is too old for the current module. So not your fault.
Ok. So the point is that I should search for an older version of the t- simplefonts module which does not yet request this new and specific kernel command, right? (Or just skip the idea of trying to use Myriad Pro I assume)
Keep in mind though that this might happen frequently without warning since you're working with development code here. For the moment I'm merely trying to establish something along the lines of a nightly installer build ... since there's no regression test suite I can't even test whether anything works but the most basic features. Also, modules don't check for a minimum kernel version required :-(
Hmm, yep. Quite a fair warning. OK. I was so naïve, that it would be a breeze to add some modules simply by myself. My problem is really to detect whether it was my stupidity (in 99% the case) or if something else went wrong. I do read the ntg-context list and many remarks ("This is broken in MKIV", "Ah I see, just use this patch...") are quite kind of scary to me, since I would be completely lost applying such patches, snippets of code, etc. But overall, all the information and the help of the context lists is really extremly informative and helpful and I am learning lots of new things daily. But using fonts is beyond my horizon at the moment, unfortunately. Therefor I was keen on trying the simplefonts module. I will definitely look forward to your next version of the installer. many thanks again for all and regards Jörg

Am 20.08.2009 um 18:08 schrieb Jörg Hecke:
Ok. So the point is that I should search for an older version of the t-simplefonts module which does not yet request this new and specific kernel command, right?
You can try the following version (or use the attached version, was on the garden afair) but i won't provide support in the case there is a problem with them.
(Or just skip the idea of trying to use Myriad Pro I assume)
There is a package with typescripts (including Myriad Pro) on the garden you can use. Wolfgang

Wow. I have used the attached version and it worked right out of the box with the Context Minimals version installed by the installer of Oliver and his instructions.
You can try the following version (or use the attached version, was on the garden afair) but i won't provide support in the case there is a problem with them.
Yes, I understand that. Many thanks for your help! The simple test file runs just fine right now.
There is a package with typescripts (including Myriad Pro) on the garden you can use.
Thanks for that tip. You mean here: <
? Can't find that package there. Seems to be a little bit tricky to find. I'll keep on searching.
Many thanks for your help so far! Regards Jörg

Am 20.08.2009 um 22:26 schrieb Jörg Hecke:
There is a package with typescripts (including Myriad Pro) on the garden you can use.
Thanks for that tip. You mean here: <
? Can't find that package there. Seems to be a little bit tricky to find. I'll keep on searching.
The zip is here and the dev version can be found at but as i don't need them myself other users are needed to add more typescripts. Wolfgang

Am 21.08.2009 um 17:56 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
The zip is here and the dev version can be found at but as i don't need them myself other users are needed to add more typescripts.
Ahh many thanks for the links. I have not looked at the modules site. I'll download it right away and will try to get it work in the standard TeXlive Context (MKII) distribution. Thanks and a nice WE! Jörg

Am 21.08.2009 um 22:45 schrieb Jörg Hecke:
Ahh many thanks for the links. I have not looked at the modules site. I'll download it right away and will try to get it work in the standard TeXlive Context (MKII) distribution.
The typescripts in the package work only with LuaTeX or XeTeX, to use them with TeXLive 2008 process your files with 'texexec --xetex <filename>'. There will be *no* support for pdfTeX from me. Wolfgang

Hi Wolfgang, I am trying to use your t-letter module. Thanks to your letter documentation and the examples ( from your web side I was able to set up the letter. But I am failing to use the resume part:-( I would like to use your classic or casual layout, but I have no idea how to use them. An excerpt from your file "correspondence-resume-examples.tex": %---begin resume.tex--- \usemodule[resume] \useresumestyle [classic] \setresumevalue{image} {\blackrule[width=25mm,height=25mm]} \setresumevalue{firstname} {John} \setresumevalue{familyname}{Doe} \setresumevalue{title} {Resum\'e title (optional)} \setresumevalue{quote} {Some quote (optional)} \setresumevalue{street} {street and number} \setresumevalue{town} {postcode city} \setresumevalue{mobile} {mobile (optional)} \setresumevalue{phone} {phone (optional)} \setresumevalue{fax} {fax (optional)} \setresumevalue{email} {email (optional)} \setresumevalue{info} {additional information (optional)} \startresume \section{Education} \cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\it Grade}{Description} \cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\it Grade}{Description} \section{Master thesis} \cvline{title}{\em Title} \cvline{supervisors}{Supervisors} \cvline{description}{\tx Short thesis abstract} \stopresume %---end resume.tex--- does not compile at all, which tells me that I do not have a clue how to setup a proper tex frame and how to use it. My environment: Context-Mnimals on MacOS 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard) ConTeXt ver: 2010.01.26 18:39 MKIV fmt: 2010.1.27 int: english/english on Is it possible to get me on the right track to use your module? I must be doing something really stupid, but currently I have no idea what I have to do to get your resume module running. Do you have a minimal example perhaps? Many thanks for your help in advance. Best regards Jörg Hecke The terminal output is:
[22:47][~/Desktop/Lebenslauf] ➔ context jhresume.tex MTXrun | run 1: luatex --fmt="/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/b1c97208f21e2e812306e4f74f4bfba4/formats/cont-en" --lua="/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/b1c97208f21e2e812306e4f74f4bfba4/formats/cont-en.lui" --backend=pdf "./jhresume.tex" This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.50.0-2009122423 \write18 enabled. (jhresume.tex
ConTeXt ver: 2010.01.26 18:39 MKIV fmt: 2010.1.27 int: english/english
system : cont-new loaded (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-new.tex systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv)) system : cont-fil loaded (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-fil.tex loading : ConTeXt File Synonyms ) system : cont-sys.rme loaded (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/user/cont-sys.rme (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-def.mkiv) (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-lua.tex) (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-tmf.tex (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-tmf.mkiv)) (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-siz.mkiv)) (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-otf.tex (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-otf.mkiv))) system : loaded ( fonts : preloading latin modern fonts bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded language : language en is active (m-resume.tex) system : module resume not found ! Undefined control sequence. <recently read> \useresumestyle
l.2 \useresumestyle [classic] ?

Am 14.02.10 22:56, schrieb Jörg Hecke:
Hi Wolfgang,
I am trying to use your t-letter module. Thanks to your letter documentation and the examples ( from your web side I was able to set up the letter.
But I am failing to use the resume part:-( I would like to use your classic or casual layout, but I have no idea how to use them.
I'm sorry but there is something missing in documentation, the resume part is not really written and the two styles are just included from a older module of me and you have to load them with \usemodule[resume] % load the module \useresumeinterface[moderncv] % load the moderncv-interface \useresumestyle[classic|casual] % load a style you can also do this with one command \usemodule[resume][interface=moderncv,style=casual]
An excerpt from your file "correspondence-resume-examples.tex":
I attached two complete working examples.
Is it possible to get me on the right track to use your module? I must be doing something really stupid, but currently I have no idea what I have to do to get your resume module running. Do you have a minimal example perhaps?
The terminal output is:
You have a module with the m-resume.tex on your system which is loaded instead of my module, you can now either remove this from the current directory or force ConTeXT to load my module with '\usemodule[t][resume][...]' in your document.

Hi Wolfgang, Am 14.02.2010 um 23:22 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
But I am failing to use the resume part:-( I would like to use your classic or casual layout, but I have no idea how to use them.
I'm sorry but there is something missing in documentation, the resume part is not really written and the two styles are just included from a older module of me and you have to load them with
\usemodule[resume] % load the module \useresumeinterface[moderncv] % load the moderncv-interface \useresumestyle[classic|casual] % load a style
you can also do this with one command
\usemodule[resume][interface=moderncv,style=casual] You have a module with the m-resume.tex on your system which is loaded instead of my module, you can now either remove this from the current directory or force ConTeXT to load my module with '\usemodule[t][resume][...]' in your document.
Many thanks for your prompt and brilliant help! Your examples do work right away! Will try to use one of your examples. Thanks again. Jörg

Hi Wolfgang, Am 14.02.2010 um 22:56 schrieb Jörg Hecke:
... I am trying to use your t-letter module. Thanks to your letter documentation and the examples ( from your web side I was able to set up the letter.
sorry for bothering you again. I am using your letter module, but it seems that I am not able to use a 2 column itemize environment? Minimal example: ---begin itemize_letter.tex--- \usemodule[letter] \definecolor [resumc] [r=.20, g=.40, b=.65] \enableregime[utf-8] % Sprache \mainlanguage[de] % Unterstützung für Farben \setupcolors[state=start] % Kopfzeile \setupletterstyle [head] [alternative=right, fromrule=top] \setupletterstyle [whitespace=medium, bodyfont=sans] \setupletter [alternative=d, list={phone,email,date,yourmail,yourref}, ] \setupletter [yourref,yourmail,myref,mymail,line,name,room,phone,fax,line,date,email] [titlestyle=\tfxx, separator=: ] \setupletter [phone=+49 543 210\,4561, yourmail=05. Februar 2010, yourref=B11r,, date=\currentdate] \setupletter [fromname=Jörg Hecke, fromaddress=Bei mir\\12345 zu Hause] \setupletter [toname=bei Dir, toaddress=Herr nicht Hier\\Krümelstr. 23 \\54321 bei Dir\\Germany] \startsetups letter:foot \rightaligned{Seite \correspagenumber\ von \numberofcorrespages} \stopsetups \starttext \startletter [subject=Verteiben der Position \quotation{nicht hier {\bf B11r} }, opening=Sehr geehrter Herr nicht Hier\textcomma, closing=Mit freundlichen Grüßen\crlf\crlf\crlf Jörg Hecke] \input{tufte} \startitemize[columns, two] \item solide wenn nicht noch mehr \item Emus zu verwalten \item Gnus verschiffen \item Herdenentwicklung \& Schafsdesign \item Wollwaschung \item Milchverkostung (intern \& extern) \item Präsentationen (intern \& extern) \item Hundeführung \stopitemize \dorecurse{3}{\input knuth\par} \stopletter \stoptext ---end itemize_letter.tex--- If I replace "\startitemize[columns, two]" with e.g. "\startitemize[packed], everything works fine. So, not all itemize features are supported, or am I doing (sigh! again) something terribly wrong? Thanks for your help or information. Best regards Jörg The output is: ➔ context itemize_letter.tex MTXrun | run 1: luatex --fmt="/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/b1c97208f21e2e812306e4f74f4bfba4/formats/cont-en" --lua="/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/b1c97208f21e2e812306e4f74f4bfba4/formats/cont-en.lui" --backend=pdf "./itemize_letter.tex" This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.50.0-2009122423 \write18 enabled. (itemize_letter.tex ConTeXt ver: 2010.01.26 18:39 MKIV fmt: 2010.1.27 int: english/english . . systems : begin file itemize_letter.tex at line 43 (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/tufte.tex) ! Improper \prevdepth. \beginmulticolumns ...olumndepth {\the \prevdepth }\begingroup \leftskip 1\l... \complexstartcolumns ...nstrue \beginmulticolumns \fi \fi <argument> ...!balance =\v!yes , \c!align =\v!no ] \fi \fi \firstofoneargument #1->#1 \redostartitemgroup ... \c!align =\v!no ]\fi \fi } \ifconditional \fittinglis... \dostartitemgroup ... {\dodostartitemgroup [#2][]} \fi ... l.64 \stopletter ?

Am 17.02.10 22:57, schrieb Jörg Hecke:
Hi Wolfgang,
sorry for bothering you again. I am using your letter module, but it seems that I am not able to use a 2 column itemize environment?
No idea what’s the problem but as a workaround you can use this: \startsimplecolumns[n=2] \startitemize \item ... \stopitemize \stopsimplecolumns
\startletter [subject=Verteiben der Position \quotation{nicht hier {\bf B11r} }, opening=Sehr geehrter Herr nicht Hier\textcomma, closing=Mit freundlichen Grüßen\crlf\crlf\crlf Jörg Hecke]
\setupletterstyle[closing][inbetween={\blank[3*line]}] \startletter [subject={Vertreiben der Position \quotation{nicht hier {\bf B11r}}}, opening={Sehr geehrter Herr nicht Hier,}, closing={Mit freundlichen Grüßen}, signature={Jörg Hecke}] Wolfgang

Hi Wolfgang, many thanks for the brilliant tips! Am 17.02.2010 um 23:18 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
\startsimplecolumns[n=2] \startitemize \item ... ...
Thanks. That's a smart workaround!
\startletter [subject=Verteiben der Position \quotation{nicht hier {\bf B11r} }, opening=Sehr geehrter Herr nicht Hier\textcomma, closing=Mit freundlichen Grüßen\crlf\crlf\crlf Jörg Hecke] \setupletterstyle[closing][inbetween={\blank[3*line]}] \startletter [subject={Vertreiben der Position \quotation{nicht hier {\bf B11r}}}, opening={Sehr geehrter Herr nicht Hier,}, closing={Mit freundlichen Grüßen}, signature={Jörg Hecke}]
Again: Wow.I did not know this. So many thinks to learn for me. I have a really nice nice cv and letter thanks to your help and great module. Regards Jörg

Am 23.02.2010 um 12:59 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
I am using your letter module, but it seems that I am not able to use a 2 column itemize environment?
Brilliant. Thanks. So, I have to update to the latest minimals, or download the latest version from contextgarden modules site, right? Jörg
participants (5)
Aditya Mahajan
Hans Hagen
Jörg Hecke
Oliver Buerschaper
Wolfgang Schuster