Hi Hans, can you fix the \noitem command with the definition below. The command is used to increment the item counter to create lists like this: 1.a. ... 1.b. ... 2.a. ... 2.b. ... %% begin example \unprotect %\let\strc_itemgroups_start_no_item\strc_itemgroups_start_item_nop \def\strc_itemgroups_start_no_item {\let\currentitemreference\empty \strc_itemgroups_increment_item_counter %\advance\c_strc_itemgroups_n_of_items\plusone \setbox\b_strc_itemgroups\emptyhbox \strc_itemgroups_check_for_repeated \ignorespaces} \protect \showframe[text][text] \starttext %\startitemize[n,repeat] % \item Item 1 \startitemize[a] \item Item 1.a. \item Item 1.b. \stopitemize % \item Item 2 \startitemize[a] \item Item 2.a. \item Item 2.b. \stopitemize %\stopitemize \startitemize[n,repeat][width=0pt] \noitem \startitemize[a][width=2em] \item Item 1.a. \item Item 1.b. \stopitemize \noitem \startitemize[a][width=2em] \item Item 2.a. \item Item 2.b. \stopitemize \stopitemize \stoptext %% end example Wolfgang
participants (1)
Wolfgang Schuster