Re: [dev-context] [XeTeX] Localized XeLaTeX: was Greek XeLaTeX

Am 14.10.2010 um 14:57 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:
2010/10/14 Ulrike Fischer wrote:
I don't have a context currently to try, but what would happen if you use it e.g. this way:
\usemodule[translate] \translateinput[im][mm]
\starttext\tt \scratchdimen=2mm 2mm: \the\scratchdimen\crlf \scratchdimen=1im 1im: \the\scratchdimen immens \stoptext
Would this replace every occurence of "im" in the input? Including the "im" in \scratchdimen, the "im" in the second 1im and the "im" in immens?
Yes. This is why I said that the solution cannot work out-of-the-box (it could work for a limited number of cases).
Another way is to use the string library from lua to replace μμ with mm: \unprotected\def\interfaceddimension#1% {\ctxlua{commands.interfaceddimension(\!!bs\detokenize{#1}\!!es)}} \startluacode function commands.interfaceddimension(str) if string.match(str,"\\") then -- dimension or macro else str = string.gsub(str,"μμ","mm") end tex.print(str) end \stopluacode \setupbodyfont[palatino] \starttext \def\foo{4mm} \def\bar{\textwidth} \scratchdimen\interfaceddimension{2mm} 2mm: \the\scratchdimen\crlf \scratchdimen\interfaceddimension{1μμ} 1μμ: \the\scratchdimen\crlf \scratchdimen\interfaceddimension\foo foo: \the\scratchdimen\crlf \scratchdimen\interfaceddimension\bar bar: \the\scratchdimen \stoptext Wolfgang
participants (1)
Wolfgang Schuster