The MetaPost team is happy to announce a new release of MetaPost:
MetaPost 1.1000
The sources and a win32 package can be downloaded immediately from
This release will also be available from CTAN soon, and it will be
included in the next TeXLive. The source package should compile normally
on all systems that are capable of compiling a modern web2c-based TeX
The win32 package is intended for texlive or a similar web2c-based
installation, and has been tested only with TeXLive 2008. These
executables will *not* work for miktex, sorry.
Of course, we welcome any comments (either good or bad) that you may
have. Simply replying to this message is fine, but see the bottom of
the message for a more formal way to report bugs and feature requests.
What is new in version 1.100:
* This release is the first version based on MPlib, the Cweb
conversion / reimplementation of MetaPost.
The one but big user-visible change is that the btex ... etex
label conversion is now handled internally instead of via
the external "mpware" programs. These programs are therefore
no longer distributed.
* There is a new manual, mplibapi.pdf, that describes the internal
interface to MPlib for developers.
* The file 'mpintro.pdf' is no longer distributed because the
introduction mnaual is obsolete and has been that way for some
time. A new tutorial is being worked on and will be included
in future releases.
* The distribution now includes Dan Luecking's mpsproof.tex.
Legal notice / license / bug reports
MetaPost is a system for producing graphics developed by John Hobby
at AT&T, based on Donald Knuth's Metafont. The MetaPost home page
is http://tug.org/metapost.
MetaPost is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
The MetaPost development project is currently hosted at Supelec,
https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/metapost; please report bugs and
request enhancements through there if possible. Alternatively, you
can reach us through the

Hi all, Immediately following the release of the stable MetaPost version 1.100, I can also announce the very first test version of the new development cycle. As some of you know already, in the past month I have been working on a SVG backend for MetaPost. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. It is a W3C Recommendation, see http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/ for more details. This new backend was requested by Dave Crossland, who also provided the funding to make it possible. Dave, thank you again! ================ How does it work? * There is a new internal string variable, "outputformat". Its default value is "eps", but when you assign "svg" you will get SVG output. * You may want to set the internal string variable "outputtemplate" to something like "%c%j.svg". * If you use text labels, you will definately want to set prologues:=3 With this setting, MetaPost will convert the font into curves (of course you also need a correct font map line, just as for PostScript output). With any other value of prologues you will simply get the SVG default text font in a system-dependant encoding. This is unlikely to be what you want! ================ A simple example: outputformat := "svg"; outputtemplate := "%j-%c.svg"; beginfig(1); fill fullcircle scaled 100 withcolor .4red; endfig; end. ============== Other news * The new internal string variable "outputtemplate" replaces "filenametemplate". The big difference is that "outputtemplate" is a true 'internal', so that you need a proper assignment. On the positive side, this means that you can use its (and "outputformat"s) current value with e.g. show and message. I am planning to make it possible for users to create their own internal string variables too (cf. newinternal). * The source code itself is not yet in its final form (and there is also no lua binding yet), but the output is more or less finalized unless I get requests for changes from you. * This new backend will not be the only new feature in MP 1.200, more new features are planned. One such feature will be direct access to the glyph->path conversion from the MetaPost input. ============== Files The MetaPost development project is currently hosted at Supelec, https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/metapost I have uploaded the sources as well as linux-i386 and mingw windows binaries. Have fun, Taco
participants (1)
Taco Hoekwater