updated Ubuntu edgy texlive+context backports

I just updated the Ubuntu edgy backports of the texlive packages (for i386) and have been running them on my feisty laptop for half a day. The 'context' package provides version 2007.04.17 12:51. They are recompilations of the latest Ubuntu gutsy (7.10) packages, which are Norbert's latest Debian packages with a couple additions. Let me know if you have problems. To use the packages, add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list : deb http://web.mit.edu/download/sanjoy/texlive-backports/ edgy/ deb-src http://web.mit.edu/download/sanjoy/texlive-backports/ edgy/ Then apt-get update apt-get install cm-super texlive-fonts-recommended \ context context-nonfree context-doc-nonfree ('cm-super comes from the universe repositories) Sorry, no dapper (6.06) backports yet! A few tricky package-version obstacles remain. -Sanjoy

Le Wed, 30 May 2007 08:26:09 -0400, Sanjoy Mahajan a écrit:
I just updated the Ubuntu edgy backports of the texlive packages (for i386) and have been running them on my feisty laptop for half a day. The 'context' package provides version 2007.04.17 12:51.
They are recompilations of the latest Ubuntu gutsy (7.10) packages, which are Norbert's latest Debian packages with a couple additions. Let me know if you have problems.
To use the packages, add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list :
deb http://web.mit.edu/download/sanjoy/texlive-backports/ edgy/ deb-src http://web.mit.edu/download/sanjoy/texlive-backports/ edgy/
apt-get update apt-get install cm-super texlive-fonts-recommended \ context context-nonfree context-doc-nonfree
('cm-super comes from the universe repositories)
Sorry, no dapper (6.06) backports yet! A few tricky package-version obstacles remain.
Hi Sanjoy, Morning tests of your new packages are OK for me. Thanks. Can you give the location of you key so one can authenticate packages and be able to upgrade via the automatic/regular/graphic ubuntu way and not thru the shell. Thanks again

Can you give the location of your key
Sure, I just figured out how to do key stuff... I've submitted it to hkp://subkeys.pgp.net and it is available from there and other keyservers (search for 'sanjoy mahajan' or for the DSA id 0x3FCDAAA3). You can also get the ascii exported key here: http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/sanjoy/sanjoy.asc [For those just getting up to speed with secure apt (which includes me), here is how to add a public key to apt's keyring: wget http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/sanjoy/sanjoy.asc -O - \ | apt-key add - Then apt-get can verify the signatures on the packages downloaded from my web.mit.edu site (which I signed with the private key corresponding to that public key).] -Sanjoy gpg DSA: 0x3FCDAAA3 gpg fp: 9722 56B0 F787 12A9 164E 34B7 09C9 E543 3FCD AAA3

Le Thu, 31 May 2007 14:21:21 +0100, Sanjoy Mahajan a écrit:
Can you give the location of your key
Sure, I just figured out how to do key stuff...
I've submitted it to hkp://subkeys.pgp.net and it is available from there and other keyservers (search for 'sanjoy mahajan' or for the DSA id 0x3FCDAAA3). You can also get the ascii exported key here:
[For those just getting up to speed with secure apt (which includes me), here is how to add a public key to apt's keyring:
wget http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/sanjoy/sanjoy.asc -O - \ | apt-key add -
Then apt-get can verify the signatures on the packages downloaded from my web.mit.edu site (which I signed with the private key corresponding to that public key).]
gpg DSA: 0x3FCDAAA3 gpg fp: 9722 56B0 F787 12A9 164E 34B7 09C9 E543 3FCD AAA3
I'v pbs whith the command for having the packages signed with your key. Found similar commands, but with a *.gpg* file, like this one : wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update So maybe a solution is to provide one on your website. Thanks Olivier
participants (2)
Olivier Turlier
Sanjoy Mahajan