Re: [dev-context] [NTG-context] Week number

Hi, (switched mailing lists) Hans Hagen wrote:
I do not know if someone will find it useful or not, but it seems like a nice feature to have :)
I'll look into wrapping it up a bit first. This code is written very much for comp.text.tex posting: \modulonumber is already present in ConTeXt, my macro names are optimized for shortness, and there is a slower but better definition of the integer divide possible (without multiplication): \def\divisionnumber#1#2% {\Expr{(#2/#1)-((\modulonumber{#1}{#2})/#1)}}
see core-con.tex, such things have been there for years now -)
(not sure if it does the same as what taco code does)
My macro does something that wasn't there yet: it calculates a 'week number' based on the current date: \weeknumber{31}{12}{2006} expands to 52 (and my macro is fully expandable). The internal macro \Jday calculates the current julian day, and that can help make \getdayoftheweek much shorter: \def\getdayoftheweek#1#2#3% {\normalweeday\Expr{\Mod{\Jday{#1}{#2}{#3}+1}{7}+1}}% Best, Taco
participants (1)
Taco Hoekwater