Hans Hagen wrote:
I'm uploading a beta. I replaces a few font things, i.e. il2 and pl0 support is now replaced by a combination of regimes and using ec and qx.
Also, given that up install the latest latin modern zip, you can have condensed monospaced fonts:
Hans, what is the status of the zip? Does it now contain the full distribution, including the latex/dvips support files?
I'd like to see the new dense encoding (discussed on dev list) being supported as well, but we need to generate metrics for that (can be donw with metatype tools)
I suspect that the 'euro-letter' encoding is somewhat hard to use without a companion 'euro-symbol' encoding and possibly some extra macros to hide the fact that some bits of ascii are not readily available. Pasted from an earlier message:
"quotedbl" , "numbersign", "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "asterisk", "plus", "less", "greater", "backslash", "asciicircum", "underscore", "braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde"
" # $ % & * + < > \ ^ _ { | } ~ While these are unlikely to appear in prose, they are very normal characters inside e.g. urls, filenames and program code (standard macros like \# need to be updated as well). Taco