Hans and I are extending context in this area right now, so any current answer will likely be outdated before much longer. So, a little bit of extra patience is required still.
I see. It's just that literally everything about ConTeXt is changing on a daily basis and almost every current answer about just any topic seems to be outdated within a fortnight. However, if you want user-friendly ConTeXt distributions to hit the main stage at some point you'll have to start somewhere. Refusing to explain the details because they're going to change anyway probably won't be the best idea ... On the other hand, if you want ConTeXt distributions to always remain almost exact replicas of Hans' machine (like the current minimals are), fine. But don't expect them to be widely usable. The average user doesn't have the knowhow required to happily juggle with dozens of configurations sitting side by side. Sorry for putting this bluntly but I feel something had to be said about this issue. I guess it won't do you any harm if you shared your plans about LuaTeX's configuration mechanism with us package developers ... thus we wouldn't have to reverse engineer every tiny bit. Oliver