On Sun, 25 Feb 2007, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Hi Hans and Taco,
amsmath.sty defines \lvert and \rvert which provide correct spacing when \vert is used as a left or a right delimiter (code at the end of email). I do not completely understand what amsmath is trying to do. Wouldn't
\definemathsymbol [lvert] [open] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["0C] \definemathsymbol [rvert] [close] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["0C]
this achieve the same goal?
Yes. The AMS code does not quite know when it will be run and it has to cope with other math encodings as well, that is why it is that much more complicated.
Hans, Can the following be added to math-tex \definemathsymbol [lvert] [open] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["0C] \definemathsymbol [rvert] [close] [sy] ["6A] [ex] ["0C] \definemathsymbol [lVert] [open] [sy] ["6B] [ex] ["0D] \definemathsymbol [rVert] [close] [sy] ["6B] [ex] ["0D] Aditya