On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Boguslaw Jackowski wrote:
And what about trying a trivial plain script:
\font\A=lmsy5 \font\a=ec-lmr5 \font\B=lmsy6 \font\b=ec-lmr6 \font\C=lmsy7 \font\c=ec-lmr7 \font\D=lmsy8 \font\d=ec-lmr8 \font\E=lmsy9 \font\e=ec-lmr9 \font\F=lmsy10 \font\f=ec-lmr10
\A \char120 \a 5\par \B \char120 \b 6\par \C \char120 \c 7\par \D \char120 \d 8\par \E \char120 \e 9\par \F \char120 \f 10\par
Attached pngs from 400,200,150,125,100% ...
Ps. The only guess that comes to my mind is that there may be something wrong with the global hinting (so called blue zones). But in order to check it thoroughly I need a better controlled example.
If you tell me what to test, I can do it ...
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining