Brooks Moses wrote:
Personally, I've been using subversion (and the TortoiseSVN Windows front-end) for about six months for my own projects, and have been very happy with it. Part of my joy with it is because it's the first proper version-control software I've used (well, ok, I tried cvs once, but didn't get enough out of it to make it worth the bother), but it does work exceptionally well at doing what I need -- namely, providing a simple repository that I can use to synchronize working directories between various computers with a minimum of bother, allowing me to back up things with nearly zero trouble, and allowing me to occasionally revert things to previous versions.
The problem with subversion is that it lends too many ideas from CVS. The command-set may be easy to learn, but it isn't very powerful. It doesn't work well with merging many peoples repositories into one, as there is always one main repository, as in CVS, not free-standing ones, as in Arch, darcs, and so on. I'd suggest that you give either one of Arch or darcs a try. darcs is especially well suited as an upgrade from CVS or subversion, as it is simple to use and has a command-set that resembles that of either SCM. It is, however, a lot easier to work with, as repositories are completely independent and patches can selectively be merged between repositories with ease.
As for setting it up: it's got two different options for running a repository server -- either running it as a standalone server, or integrating it with Apache as a web service. The former is dead simple; install the program, run one command to set up a repository, run another to start the daemon. The Apache integration appeared to me to be one of the things that looked difficult to me but is probably much easier for someone who knows how to run a web server.
Another problem with CVS/subversion. With Arch and darcs, there’s no need for a server. All you need is scp/WebDAV/ftp/file access to the repository, nikolai -- Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at http://bitwi.se/! Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden. main(){printf(&linux["\021%six\012\0"],(linux)["have"]+"fun"-97);}