Hi all, (1) In MkIV, \WORD{some text} and \WORDS{some text} both turn the entire text to uppercase ("SOME TEXT"). By analogy with \Word and \Words, I would expect \WORD to only uppercase the first word ("SOME text"), (2) \Cap produces the amsmath \Cap even in text mode. That's the double intersection symbol. Link to picture: http://www.marathon-studios.com/unicode/U22D2/Double_Intersection According to the manual, "\Cap changes the first character of a word into a capital". \Caps already changes a string to small capitals, with the first letter of every word uppercase; so, I would expect \Cap to change a string to small capitals with the first letter of the string uppercase. (I think the manual migh be saying this; it's not quite clear.) (3) \CAP{some \\{text}} does nothing; the double backslash only produces a newline. According to the manual, \CAP changes letters that are preceded by \\ into capital letters. The documentation comments in typo-cap.mkiv also mention the \CAP{ ... ... \\{...} ...} syntax, but the comments don't say what it should do. They're not terribly important commands, to be sure, but they might also be easy fixes. I don't need them for myself; I simply picked a random command + its relatives to improve on the Wiki. Cheers, Sietse