On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 9:15 AM Hilmar Preuße
tags 480725 - patch stop
On 15.05.08 09:49, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Norbert Preining wrote:
Dear Taco,
forwarded 480725 dev-context@ntg.nl thanks
Dear Hans, dear Taco,
on the Debian side we got the attached bug report together with a patch for mptopdf.pl. Can you comment on it, or consider it for inclusion?
The issue reported in https://bugs.debian.org/480725 is nevertheless still present and reproducible. When pasting the following content into a file called input.mp and calling "mptopdf input.mp" no pdf file is created, just the intermediate ps file.
This needs to be handled.
The patch would have to be a bit elaborated on before inclusion can be considered, I believe. A random file named <whatever>.ps is highly likely not to be metapost output at all. The extra functionality would be cool to have, but mptopdf had better check if the .ps really was created by metapost (by grepping for the %%Creator comment).
Thank you for the report, we will try to fix it for the upcoming texlive 2019. With texlive 2018 you can produce the pdf directly %% test.mp input metauml; beginfig(-1); Begin.b; End.e; e.w = b.e + (15,0); drawObjects(b,e); clink(transition)(b, e); endfig; end $> mtxrun --script metapost --metafun test.mp -- luigi