On Thu, 13 Sep 2012, Peter Münster wrote:
On Fri, Sep 07 2012, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
+ \edef\current_width{\externalfigureparameter\c!width}% + \edef\current_height{\externalfigureparameter\c!height}% + \def\nocrap##1{\doifnotemptyvalue{##1}{% + \the\dimexpr\csname##1\endcsname\relax}}%
It is better to use a more meaningful name. This can be a general macro that will be useful outside of the figure inclusion code as well.
Ok. What about \scratch_current_width, \scratch_current_height, \scratch_nocrap ? Or something similar...
Hans already added a generic function \setemeasure to syst-aux, that can be used here. Note that a simple \doifnotemptyvalue is not enough. I can pass values like 'fit', 'max', etc to height and width keys, so you must check if what is being passed is a dimension before calling \dimexpr. Aditya