On 6/26/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Hello Hans,
And then: while trying to convince David to drop the usage of "btex ... etex" I tried (something like) this:
\startMPinclusions def something = draw textext("abc"); % guess what! draw (btex def etex) shifted (0,5mm); enddef; \stopMPinclusions
\starttext \startMPcode something; \stopMPcode \stoptext
But it's probably up to you to convince him about that now - I ran out of ideas. I thought that nothing could go wrong any more ;)
Hi Mojca,
You need a \forceMPTEXcheck{something} and everything works fine, that is, I get something like
def abc
on a page. Can you describe the error that you get.
My apologies! It seems it was too late already. I was so stupid that I was trying to play with \forceMPTEXcheck{textext}. No wonder why it didn't work! Please forget about this post! Mojca