[mp.pool] Just delete the thing completely. The pool file is only needed during the creation of the mpost executable proper, never afterwards.
Thanks, that explains it. I thought I remembered a line in the docs about the new metapost not needing the pool file. But when I saw that pool file was generated, I figured better safe than sorry so I installed it anyway. Updated makefile attached that does not mention pool. -Sanjoy `A nation of slaves is always prepared to applaud the clemency of their master who, in the abuse of absolute power, does not proceed to the last extremes of injustice and oppression.' (Gibbon) # For installing latest mp over the tetex-3.0 equivalents (mp 0.641) .PHONY: install install-exec install-mplib INSTALL := rsync -ptv # directories where the generated executables are put edir1 := build/texk/web2c edir2 := $(edir1)/mpware # executables to install execs := $(edir1)/mpost $(edir1)/dvitomp execs += $(edir2)/dmp $(edir2)/mpto $(edir2)/newer $(edir2)/makempx # the "fmtutil-sys --all" might be overkill install: install-exec install-mplib fmtutil-sys --all install-exec: $(execs) $(INSTALL) $^ /usr/bin/ install-mplib: $(INSTALL) -r texmf/metapost /usr/share/texmf-tetex/