Hello, Patrick, I should probably leave your "stack" untouched until you finish the texshow, but I have a request for once you find some time. There are many fonts missing on the garden (including the new lm ones, antykwa, iwona, ... in those example with bold typewritter (cm) on the wiki). I would like to suggest to upgrade/add those fonts (tfm's), perhaps together with some more fancy fonts for which Hraban wrote some modules (or maybe some other as well) and together with a corresponding wiki page, so that users can see how they're named and examples how to use them. Adding additional fonts & modules takes some more work, but perhaps at least the new versions of Polish fonts would be very useful. XeTeX can't be supported on the garden, but perhaps Aleph once in the very distand future ... I added Hraban to CC since he's not on this list and could surely help a lot. Best wishes, Mojca