Hans Hagen wrote:
\usemodule[int-load] %Allow context to parse xml markup \loadsetups[arrows.xml] %Name of the file with xml markup
% Get gray backgrounds for setups \setupframedtexts [setuptext] [background=screen, frame=off]
Then you can use \setup{command} to show its syntax.
\showsetup is just defined as
\def\showsetup#1% {{\def\y##1{\writestatus{setups}{warning: remove y! from #1}}% \setup{#1}}}
which seems to do some checking for commands that defined twice.
For the purpose of documenting modules one can even say
i didn;t closely follow this thread ... what exactly is the problem
How should one load setup definitions that are not in cont-en.xml? Is this the correct way
\usemodule[int-load] \loadsetups[my-defs.xml]
\starttext \setup{my-command} \stoptext
Also, it would be nice if there was a clean way to *not* load cont-en.xml when using mod-00 to document as user module (since loading cont-en is quite slow). The current 'solution' is: \usemodule[int-load] \def\simpleloadsetups{} \usemodule[mod-00] which is certainly not a very nice way. Greetings, Taco