Hi Taco,
This new release is available now.
I've just had the chance to test this new release and got mixed results ... the 2008.05.21 minimal distribution (LuaTeX only) now sits in /usr/local/context/2008-05-21 and there's a symbolic link /usr/texbin -> /usr/local/context/2008-05-21/texmf-osx-intel/bin to the binaries. This link is given by the distribution switching mechanism on the Mac (see my earlier post in this thread) and is appended to $PATH, too. Furthermore, *no* TEXMFCNF environment variable is set. Now there's a problem of finding the texmf.cnf file: --- $>/usr/texbin/luatools --generate --verbose LuaTools | version 1.2.0 - 2006+ - PRAGMA ADE / CONTEXT LuaTools | variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/texbin LuaTools | variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr/texbin/.. LuaTools | variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /usr/texbin/../.. LuaTools | variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/ share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} LuaTools | no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known) LuaTools | LuaTools | runtime: 0.004 seconds --- The problem persists when I call the binary directly: --- $> /usr/local/context/2008-05-21/texmf-osx-intel/bin/luatools -- generate --verbose LuaTools | version 1.2.0 - 2006+ - PRAGMA ADE / CONTEXT LuaTools | variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/texbin LuaTools | variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr/texbin/.. LuaTools | variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /usr/texbin/../.. LuaTools | variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/ share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} LuaTools | no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known) LuaTools | LuaTools | runtime: 0.007 seconds --- Obviously, the problem is the symbolic link because LuaTeX tries and finds argv[0] in $PATH but doesn't resolve /usr/texbin to its actual location on disk. It's clear that in this situation there can't be any difference between the distribution-independent syntax of calling luatex and the direct invocation. Do you think LuaTeX's path discovery mechanism could be adapted to handle symbolic links? All the best, Oliver