Hi, About source.cg.net: Right now, I am starting texlua twice. Once for mtxrun doing the actual work (that is fine) but also once for the dispatch to that script. I wonder if someone with a bit of knowledge of php can help me replace that dispatcher by php? It seems wasteful to start an external program for what is essentially just a setenv() and an execute(). My index.lua currently looks likes this #!/opt/texweb/opt/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/texlua -f os.setenv('PATH', os.env['CONTEXT_PATH'] .. '/texmf-linux-64/bin:' .. os.env['PATH']) print ("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n") os.execute('mtxrun --script /var/…etc…’) I assume it would be simple to replace this with a few php lines, but I do not know enough about php to do it myself. Help appreciated! Best wishes, Taco