Hi all,
I am trying to compile the pdftex manual with context 2008.04.11 and
pdftex 1.40.3 (TeX Live 2007 for Debian), and I am getting these errors:
subsection : 3.2 Compiling
./pdftex-t.tex:867: Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
\trackedfilename ->\$
\setxvalue #1->\expandafter \xdef \csname #1
\dodoreadfile ...setxvalue {fn..\trackedfilename }
{\readfilename \ifcase \pr...
\dohyphenateword ...ile {#3}\donothing \donothing
\else #3\fi \else #3\fi }\...
\filename #1->{\tttf \hyphenatedfile {#1}
l.867 \filename {\$HOME/pdftex}
, on a~\UNIX\ system the following steps are
But more interesting some errors from pdftexconfig.tex:
/etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/pdftexconfig.tex:6: Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again>
\obeyedspace ->\hskip
\zeropoint \hbox to \onepoint {}\hskip \zeropoint
l.6 \pdfpagewidth=210
true mm
and the same for pdfpageheight, pdfhorigin, ... etc etc.
After that it is getting really crazy: context tries to load example.tex
(whatever that may be, in my case something in TEXMFLOCAL):
subsection : 3.7 Testing the installation
/usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/infbrief/example.tex:1: Undefined control sequence.
l.1 \documentclass
The very same document worked before (context 2008.01.14 or so) without
any problems.
Am I missing something in the installation?
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining