Hans Hagen wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
Either the bug is fixed or there is a subtle difference between our installations, but I do not get an error
interesting, i get an error on ... pplb8r
i think i'm going to blame mojca ... (this will trigger her into solution mode)
ok, the problem is in the images ... please make images self contained
I don 't think so. I have the font (which is just Palatino-Roman), and
well, the a map file issue .. but i gave up on those funny tex fonts (esp the ones ending on r)
anyhow, with the new zip i get the error
If I patch \sidefloatoutput (page-sid.tex) like so: \def\sidefloatoutput {\iffloatshort \unvbox\normalpagebox \setbox\floatbottom\lastbox \ifdim\wd\floatbottom>\sidefloathsize \penalty-201 \box\floatbottom \else \ifvoid\floatbottom \else \restoreleftindent \ifdim\wd\floatbottom<\sidefloathsize \parskip\zeropoint %\noindent - \vadjust{\penalty\minusone}% + \ifinner\else \vadjust{\penalty\minusone}\fi it runs without error. It looks like the side float output routine is called in the middle of this math display: \startformula a-b+c-d+f-g+h-e\equiv1\ (\mod 3), \stopformula which shows that all vertices cannot be made multiples of~3 simultaneously. I think my patch somewhat odd, but at least it does not crash and I fear that the sidefloat output in this case (a float next to a display that forces a page break) is somewhat undefined anyway. Best wishes, Taco