are there .enc files for MacRoman or CP 1252? Google wasn't helpful. If there are, I could generate diffs.
latin1 taken from: http://swtch.com/usr/local/plan9/postscript/prologues/Latin1.enc win1252 = latin1 + /usr/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/microsoft-cp1252.enc ?? macenc (the one Taco sent me). I might check against the unicode.org versions. Perhaps one of you could have a look, I'll send the diffs later. (Monday?) dec | oct |hex | WIN1252Encoding | ISOLatin1Encodin | MacintoshEncodin | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... [omitted, std ascii] 126 | 176 | 7e | asciitilde | asciitilde | tilde | 127 | 177 | 7f | --- | --- | --- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128 | 200 | 80 | euro | --- | Adieresis | 129 | 201 | 81 | --- | --- | Aring | 130 | 202 | 82 | quotesinglbase | --- | Ccedilla | 131 | 203 | 83 | florin | --- | Eacute | 132 | 204 | 84 | quotedblbase | --- | Ntilde | 133 | 205 | 85 | ellipsis | --- | Odieresis | 134 | 206 | 86 | dagger | --- | Udieresis | 135 | 207 | 87 | daggerdbl | --- | aacute | 136 | 210 | 88 | circumflex | --- | agrave | 137 | 211 | 89 | perthousand | --- | acircumflex | 138 | 212 | 8a | Scaron | --- | adieresis | 139 | 213 | 8b | guilsinglleft | --- | atilde | 140 | 214 | 8c | OE | --- | aring | 141 | 215 | 8d | Zcaron | --- | ccedilla | 142 | 216 | 8e | quoteleft | --- | eacute | 143 | 217 | 8f | quoteright | --- | egrave | 144 | 220 | 90 | dotlessi | dotlessi | ecircumflex | 145 | 221 | 91 | quoteleft | grave | edieresis | 146 | 222 | 92 | quoteright | acute | iacute | 147 | 223 | 93 | quotedblleft | circumflex | igrave | 148 | 224 | 94 | quotedblright | tilde | icircumflex | 149 | 225 | 95 | bullet | macron | idieresis | 150 | 226 | 96 | endash | breve | ntilde | 151 | 227 | 97 | emdash | dotaccent | oacute | 152 | 230 | 98 | tilde | dieresis | ograve | 153 | 231 | 99 | trademark | --- | ocircumflex | 154 | 232 | 9a | scaron | ring | odieresis | 155 | 233 | 9b | guilsinglright | cedilla | otilde | 156 | 234 | 9c | oe | --- | uacute | 157 | 235 | 9d | hungarumlaut | hungarumlaut | ugrave | 158 | 236 | 9e | zcaron | ogonek | ucircumflex | 159 | 237 | 9f | Ydieresis | caron | udieresis | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 | 240 | a0 | space | space | dagger | 161 | 241 | a1 | exclamdown | exclamdown | degree | 162 | 242 | a2 | cent | cent | cent | 163 | 243 | a3 | sterling | sterling | sterling | 164 | 244 | a4 | currency | currency | section | 165 | 245 | a5 | yen | yen | bullet | 166 | 246 | a6 | brokenbar | brokenbar | paragraph | 167 | 247 | a7 | section | section | germandbls | 168 | 250 | a8 | dieresis | dieresis | registered | 169 | 251 | a9 | copyright | copyright | copyright | 170 | 252 | aa | ordfeminine | ordfeminine | trademark | 171 | 253 | ab | guillemotleft | guillemotleft | acute | 172 | 254 | ac | logicalnot | logicalnot | dieresis | 173 | 255 | ad | hyphen | hyphen | notequal | 174 | 256 | ae | registered | registered | AE | 175 | 257 | af | macron | macron | Oslash | 176 | 260 | b0 | degree | degree | infinity | 177 | 261 | b1 | plusminus | plusminus | plusminus | 178 | 262 | b2 | twosuperior | twosuperior | lessequal | 179 | 263 | b3 | threesuperior | threesuperior | greaterequal | 180 | 264 | b4 | acute | acute | yen | 181 | 265 | b5 | mu | mu | mu | 182 | 266 | b6 | paragraph | paragraph | partialdiff | 183 | 267 | b7 | periodcentered | periodcentered | Sigma | 184 | 270 | b8 | cedilla | cedilla | product | 185 | 271 | b9 | onesuperior | onesuperior | pi | 186 | 272 | ba | ordmasculine | ordmasculine | integral | 187 | 273 | bb | guillemotright | guillemotright | ordfeminine | 188 | 274 | bc | onequarter | onequarter | ordmasculine | 189 | 275 | bd | onehalf | onehalf | Omega | 190 | 276 | be | threequarters | threequarters | ae | 191 | 277 | bf | questiondown | questiondown | oslash | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192 | 300 | c0 | Agrave | Agrave | questiondown | 193 | 301 | c1 | Aacute | Aacute | exclamdown | 194 | 302 | c2 | Acircumflex | Acircumflex | logicalnot | 195 | 303 | c3 | Atilde | Atilde | radical | 196 | 304 | c4 | Adieresis | Adieresis | florin | 197 | 305 | c5 | Aring | Aring | approxequal | 198 | 306 | c6 | AE | AE | Delta | 199 | 307 | c7 | Ccedilla | Ccedilla | guillemotleft | 200 | 310 | c8 | Egrave | Egrave | guillemotright | 201 | 311 | c9 | Eacute | Eacute | ellipsis | 202 | 312 | ca | Ecircumflex | Ecircumflex | space | 203 | 313 | cb | Edieresis | Edieresis | Agrave | 204 | 314 | cc | Igrave | Igrave | Atilde | 205 | 315 | cd | Iacute | Iacute | Otilde | 206 | 316 | ce | Icircumflex | Icircumflex | OE | 207 | 317 | cf | Idieresis | Idieresis | oe | 208 | 320 | d0 | Eth | Eth | endash | 209 | 321 | d1 | Ntilde | Ntilde | emdash | 210 | 322 | d2 | Ograve | Ograve | quotedblleft | 211 | 323 | d3 | Oacute | Oacute | quotedblright | 212 | 324 | d4 | Ocircumflex | Ocircumflex | quoteleft | 213 | 325 | d5 | Otilde | Otilde | quoteright | 214 | 326 | d6 | Odieresis | Odieresis | divide | 215 | 327 | d7 | multiply | multiply | lozenge | 216 | 330 | d8 | Oslash | Oslash | ydieresis | 217 | 331 | d9 | Ugrave | Ugrave | Ydieresis | 218 | 332 | da | Uacute | Uacute | fraction | 219 | 333 | db | Ucircumflex | Ucircumflex | currency | 220 | 334 | dc | Udieresis | Udieresis | guilsinglleft | 221 | 335 | dd | Yacute | Yacute | guilsinglright | 222 | 336 | de | Thorn | Thorn | fi | 223 | 337 | df | germandbls | germandbls | fl | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224 | 340 | e0 | agrave | agrave | daggerdbl | 225 | 341 | e1 | aacute | aacute | periodcentered | 226 | 342 | e2 | acircumflex | acircumflex | quotesinglbase | 227 | 343 | e3 | atilde | atilde | quotedblbase | 228 | 344 | e4 | adieresis | adieresis | perthousand | 229 | 345 | e5 | aring | aring | Acircumflex | 230 | 346 | e6 | ae | ae | Ecircumflex | 231 | 347 | e7 | ccedilla | ccedilla | Aacute | 232 | 350 | e8 | egrave | egrave | Edieresis | 233 | 351 | e9 | eacute | eacute | Egrave | 234 | 352 | ea | ecircumflex | ecircumflex | Iacute | 235 | 353 | eb | edieresis | edieresis | Icircumflex | 236 | 354 | ec | igrave | igrave | Idieresis | 237 | 355 | ed | iacute | iacute | Igrave | 238 | 356 | ee | icircumflex | icircumflex | Oacute | 239 | 357 | ef | idieresis | idieresis | Ocircumflex | 240 | 360 | f0 | eth | eth | --- | 241 | 361 | f1 | ntilde | ntilde | Ograve | 242 | 362 | f2 | ograve | ograve | Uacute | 243 | 363 | f3 | oacute | oacute | Ucircumflex | 244 | 364 | f4 | ocircumflex | ocircumflex | Ugrave | 245 | 365 | f5 | otilde | otilde | dotlessi | 246 | 366 | f6 | odieresis | odieresis | circumflex | 247 | 367 | f7 | divide | divide | tilde | 248 | 370 | f8 | oslash | oslash | macron | 249 | 371 | f9 | ugrave | ugrave | breve | 250 | 372 | fa | uacute | uacute | dotaccent | 251 | 373 | fb | ucircumflex | ucircumflex | ring | 252 | 374 | fc | udieresis | udieresis | cedilla | 253 | 375 | fd | yacute | yacute | hungarumlaut | 254 | 376 | fe | thorn | thorn | ogonek | 255 | 377 | ff | ydieresis | ydieresis | caron | Patrick -- ConTeXt wiki and more: http://contextgarden.net