% part of alphabet: % a, e, o, u i ı % dotlessi i: i % i o: ö % odiaeresis u: ü % udiaeresis % not part of alphabet, but sometimes used: a= â % acircumflex i= î % icircumflex o= ô % ocircumflex % part of alphabet: % b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, y, z c: ç % ccedilla g= ğ % gbreve s: ş % scedilla % -------------- % probably to be ignored % others; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_alphabet @ ء % 0621 / afii57409 / ARABIC LETTER HAMZA # % ayn??? - no idea what this should be g: ġ % gdotaccent z: ż % zdotaccent d! ḍ % 1E0D / ddot[below/accent] / might not have the name yet h! ḥ % 1E25 / hdot[below/accent] k! ḳ % 1E33 / kdot[below/accent] s! ṣ % 1E63 / sdot[below/accent] t! ṭ % 1E6D / tdot[below/accent] z! ẓ % 1E93 / zdot[below/accent] d= ḏ % 1E0F / LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH LINE BELOW n= ñ % ntilde t= ṯ % 1E6F / LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH LINE BELOW z= ẕ % 1E95 / LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH LINE BELOW h= % h with line below: not in unicode; perhaps h with breve below (1E2B)? s= % s with line below: not in unicode; perhaps scaron?