Adam Lindsay wrote:
"guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright",
why are these out when their "double" companions are still in?
As Hans pointed out to me, the single ones aren't really used typographically, as far as ConTeXt is concerned.
Ah, I see.
I've considered using TeX 'n' ANSI as the "companion" font anyway, so that is very plausible as a workaround.
In that case, I propose a completely new companion encoding with a name like "asciibats", that has all of the visible ascii glyphs in their normal spots, and the other text-like symbols in the upper range.
I investigated it, and Tcedilla is really a mislabeled Tcommaaccent. <http://groups.msn.com/fontlab/tipsandtricks.msnw? action=get_message&mview=1&ID_Message=3233>
I thought so. Even the unicode book hints that "T with cedilla" was perhaps a mistake
"IJ", "ij",
I asked Hans. He didn't want it, didn't use it, and thought it was ugly. Beauty over truth. :)
Fine by me.
oops. I think I accommodated the LM glyph names a little too much. Thanks.
yours is right (caron), EC is wrong (quoteright) Taco