On Sun, 3 Jun 2007, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
I had a look at \wordright. The trouble is that \wordright makes no attempt to prevent a page break if it is on a line of its own. It it can be enhanced to take that into account, that is fine with me. The placed of endofproof symbol is complicated. amsthm, does something similar to qed.sty, while ntheorem goes into a two pass mechansim to get the placement right.
i never tested it but in pdftex we can add a "\vadjust pre {\nobreak}" ; the problem with tricks is that it will break other things; the only work in controlled situations
Maybe then also add an option for \endsymbolcommand. Let the core implement the safest way to do things; the adventurous user (or a module) can change the placement mechanism to whatever he/she wants.
Yes, but that is doing a lot of work simply to inherit the number. well, as long as tex is doing the work ... the advantage is that other number related things also inherit
That is true. I had not thought about conversion, numberstyle, and such things. There is another thing, which is more important from a style writer's point of view, rather than the user's. Suppose I am writing a module for IEEE journals, and they want their theorms in a particular style. Suppose there are two styles, one for theorems and propositions (say stlyeA), and one for definitions and remarks (say styleB). In the module I can define four enumerations, with appropriate styles. \defineenumeration[theorem] \defineenumeration[proposition] \setupenumerations[theorem,proposition][settings for styleA] and similar for styleB. Now suppose a user wants to have a new enumeration, called lemma, in styleA. How does he do that? The options are: 1. Looks into the IEEE module and copies settings for styleA. 2. does something like \definenumber[lemma] \defineenumeration[lemma][theorem][number=lemma] An alternative approach is to define a new object called enumerationalternative. So that things can be \defineenumerationalternative[styleA][settings for styleA] \defineenumeration[theorem][alternative=styleA], etc. This is roughly what LaTeX does, and most math users have come to expect something like this. This should not be too difficult to implement. \defineenumerationalterative can simply do \getvariables[\??dd\c!alternative#1] and \defineenumeration can see if alternative is something and copy parameters from \??dd\c!alternative. Do you think it makes sense to add this in the core? Aditya