25 Apr
25 Apr
10:09 p.m.
Dear devs, When using delimiter with \left...\right the italic correction between the preceding letter and the delimiter is dropped. I've tried this with a few fonts and all show the problem. For Libertinus Math the glyphs even overlap. MWE for mtxrun --script plain (TeX Live 2022) %\input luaotfload.sty \font\mathfont="file:LibertinusMath-Regular.otf:mode=base;script=math" at 10pt \textfont0=\mathfont \textfont2=\mathfont \Umathcodenum`f="1D453 \protected\def\langle{\Udelimiter"4"0"27E8\relax} \protected\def\rangle{\Udelimiter"5"0"27E9\relax} $f\rangle$ \nulldelimiterspace=0pt $\left.f\right\rangle$ \bye Cheers, Henri