Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
Patrick Gundlach wrote:
You mean that I can see how fast my computer finishes the endless loop? My Cray finishes those kind of loops in one week ;-)
long before that tex will reach its 64 K page limit -)
That's fixed, a while back. my pdfetex now quitted at
[94729] [94730] [94731] [94732] [94733] [94734] [94735] [94736 ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [indirect objects table size=300000]. <output> {\shipout \box 255 \global \advance \pageno 1 \unhbox 255 } <to be read again> \end l.3 \bye
! ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file is not finished! Transcript written on out.log.
After a minute or two.
ah, so in practice it will quit earlier depending on other objects used (i'm not sure if for instance objects of included graphics use that piece of memory) Hans