edition gets abbreviated "ed." according to the APA standard.
p.203 of the 2013 edition of the APA style guide:
* Place information about editions, volume numbers, and page numbers
(such as revised edition, volume number, or chapter page range) in
parentheses following the title, with the period after the parentheses:
(Rev. ed.) or (Vol. xx, pp. xxx–xxx). As with periodicals, for any
nonroutine information that is important for identification and
retrieval, place a description of content in brackets following the
title: [Brochure].
Now, the mkii bibliography uses a sort of hybrid APA-like style, but
normally there would NOT be a period after "edition" (unless it is
abbreviated "ed.") as it should be followed either by a comma or by a
right parenthesis.
On Sun, 8 Feb 2015 18:11:17 -0700
Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد
Dear gang,
There is a typo in bibl-apa.tex, line 201:
\insertedition{ }{ edition}{}%
Occurs again on line 285. It needs to be corrected to
\insertedition{ }{ edition.}{}% ADD A PERIOD!
Other parts of this file do this correctly. I've corrected the file manually but it needs to be fixed for the next beta; thanks!
Best wishes Idris
-- Alan Braslau CEA DSM-IRAMIS-SPEC CNRS URA 2464 Orme des Merisiers 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex FRANCE tel: +33 1 69 08 73 15 fax: +33 1 69 08 87 86 mailto:alan.braslau@cea.fr