Am 08.11.2011 um 18:59 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 7-11-2011 09:46, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Hi Hans,
there is a extra space at the end of the buffer content.
\def\starttest {\dowithbuffer{testbuffer}{starttest}{stoptest}\relax\processtest}
\def\processtest{“\ctxcommand{getbuffer("testbuffer")}”} %\def\processtest{“\ctxcommand{getbuffer("testbuffer")}\removeunwantedspaces”}
\starttest TEST\stoptest
\starttest TEST \stoptest
It's a side effect of going through a file as tex then adds an endlinechar to the end of the file; you can try that with:
\endlinechar=-1 just before the test code
The \scantokens command has the same side effect.
I've added \enabletrackers[buffers.grab] to track what gets into the buffer.
The reason for this space is probably look-ahead although it makes perfect sense to have a mode for tex where no such space is added (probably then on a per file basis, maybe as part of the opener callback in luatex.
In vmode the space is basically a nil, in hmode a \removeunwantedspaces is needed (as with other files).
You can use buffers.getcontent to get the content directly (which might have catcode side effects.
Thanks for the explanation, buffers.getcontent does help in my case. Wolfgang