Max Chernoff submitted an update to the lua-widow-control package. Version number: v2.0.0 License type: Mozilla Public License v2.0 Wants to be in ConTeXt distribution: yes Wants to be synced with CTAN: yes Summary description: Automatically remove widows and orphans from any document Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **Breaking Changes** - Page breaks may be slightly different - Removed `\lwcemergencystretch` and `\lwcdisablecmd` in LaTeX. Please use the new keyâÂÂvalue interface Other Changes - Use expl3 for the LaTeX files (#20) - Use a keyâÂÂvalue interface for configuration with LaTeX (#11) - Silence some extraneous `luatexbase` info messages - Add a "debug mode" to print extra information (#12) - Fix error message line wrapping - Don't reset `\interlinepenalty` and `\brokenpenalty` - Set and analyze `\displaywidowpenalty` - Keep section headings with moved orphans (#17) - Add the ability to configure the maximum paragraph cost (#22) - Add a "strict" mode - Use an improved cost function to select the best paragraph to lengthen (#23) - Dozens of bug fixes - Miscellaneous documentation updates You can view the full changelog on GitHub: https://github.com/gucci-on-fleek/lua-widow-control/compare/release-2c720185.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------