Hi Taco and Hans,
Before Oliver tells me I am being vague again: ;-)
Never mind :-)
What I mean is this: in the full path "/usr/texbin/luatex", "texbin" can be a symlink to a different directory and that will be followed, but if "luatex" itself is a symlink to a file in a different directory, that will not be noticed.
I think this should be just fine for the moment ... I've come across an interesting side effect of this new code though: I've just downloaded the new setup files for the minimals into a directory which happens to be outside a valid TDS tree. More precisely, I now have mtx-update.lua, mtxrun and texlua in /usr/local/ context/bin whereas the previous ConTeXt minimal resides in /usr/local/ context/2008-04-21. The symbolic link /usr/texbin points to the binaries directory in that distribution, i.e. ConTeXt-2008-04-21 is my currently active TeX distribution. Now when I issue the update command (or fetch command, that is) mtxrun wrongly believes it's located inside the /usr/local/context/2008-04-21 tree. For me (and the package building process) this doesn't seem to be relevant, but I have no idea whether there might be situations when this behaviour will turn out harmful. Isn't there a way of discovering the launch path (symbolic links already resolved) of an executable without resorting to $PATH? Another question: what part of the LuaTeX chain is responsible for locating the configuration files? Is it the scripts mtxrun.lua and luatools.lua or the binary texlua itself? You mentioned something about luatools only but now that Hans uploaded the entire beta ... Best, Oliver