Hi, as seen in the following example the first line of text in the table appears on all pages together with the header, this happens because \NR inserts a \nobreak after the first line in the table. \starttext \setuptabulate[header=repeat] \starttabulatehead \NC A \NC B \NC\NR \stoptabulatehead \starttabulate[|l|l|] \dorecurse{100}{\NC ##1 \NC ##1 \NC\NR} \stoptabulate \stoptext To fix this a penalty setting after the header (which is only added when the header is repeated) content will help: \def\tabl_tabulate_insert_content {\tabl_tabulate_insert_head + \ifcase\c_tabl_tabulate_repeathead \else + \tabulatenoalign{\penalty\zerocount}% + \fi \tabl_tabulate_insert_body \tabl_tabulate_insert_foot \tabl_tabulate_remove_funny_line} BTW: I had to use \penalty because \directvpenalty doesn’t work. Wolfgang