Hi, I now have a SciTE environment running on linux, but I've had to tweak some stuff, that perhaps could be backported to the distro. * Especially, setting up the font was a bit weird. The X font server (at least the free version) does not understand OpenType fonts, so I had to convert LMTypewriter10-Regular to truetype using fontforge, then install the truetype font in X. The system name became "LMTypewriter10 Regular", and the addition of " Regular" is crucial. Just "LMTypewriter10" does not work. Also, I found I needed to add an exclamation mark in from of the name to get an antialiased font (it looks awful without that). So I have changed the two lines in context.properties to: font.monospace=font:!LMTypewriter10 Regular,size:16.5 font.errorfont=font:!LMTypewriter10 Regular,size:11.5 Now it works, with the exception that the top of a number of characters like [ and ] is not displayed in a most font sizes (that may be a problem caused by the auto-generated TTF font. does it happen on windows as well?). * I've changed the 'go' command so that it runs $(name.context.acrobat) $(FileName).pdf system() on unix does not automatically resolve file extensions like windows does, so the direct "$(FileName).pdf" did not work. * I also had to create texmfstart: that command does not exist on texlive (but it is in tetex 3.0). Cheers, Taco PS Shouldn't there be a cont-fr-scite.properties as well now?