Hi Hans and Taco, I am attaching the math enhancements that I have been promising for about for some days^H^H^H^Hweeks now. Here are the changes. 1. Improved \llap, \rlap, \clap that work in both math and text mode (Taco's code) 2. A \cramped macro to go into cramped mode (based on Knuth's code) 3. \crampedllap \crampedrlap, \crampedclap for the equivalents to \llap etc which typesets its contents in cramped mode (well, I kinda figured that out on my own :) 4. An improved substack macro, with improved spacing. (Based on amsmath's substack macro). Taco, does it make sense to surround substack with a group, which will save some typing \sum_startsubstack whatever \stopsubstack or are there any side effects? In the code, I do not have the extra group. 5. Definitions for iint, iiint, iiiint (for those who can't count i's like me, you can use \repeatintegral{1}, \repeatintegral{2}, etc. Maybe, we should have the more readable \doubleintegral, \tripeintegral, \quadintegral also). This is based on amsmath code, and tries to use correct spacing for \iint\limits_{....}. BTW, does anyone wish that the limits with \int were configurable rather than defaulting to \nolimits? amsmath provides this feature, but I have personally never seen it being used. It is not too difficult to implement. 6. A definition for splitfrac, which is useful for multi-line fractions. Based on Michael Downes' code. .... I also had something for \intertext, but realized that \intertext does not honor indentations. I will look into that first, before posting the code. Now, I need to do collect everthing for theorems. Hopefully, core-des has not changed since I started working on it... Aditya