Hi, This question is motivated by a question of TeX.SE (https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/549725/context-strange-issue-with-ty...). Basically, the OP defined \starttypescriptcollection[fira] ... \stoptypescriptcollection \setuphead[section][style={\switchtobodyfont[fira,sans]}] \starttext \section{section 1} \section{section 2} \section{section 3} \stoptext and found that the first section was indented. As Wolfgang explained in a comment, this happens because of the newlines at the end of each \definesynonym in \starttypescriptcollection. Wolfgang also explained how to avoid this error. I am wondering if it makes sense to change the definition of \starttypescriptcollection or \starttypescript so that newlines are automatically ignored (similar to \startsetups). Aditya