Hi all, I have just uploaded the archives for luatex 0.30.3. This release matches SVN revision #1587. This release fixes a really big bug, a few smaller ones, and has updates of png and mplib: * All hyphenation patterns that were anchored at the start or end of a word were ignored in luatex versions 0.25.X and 0.30.X (and possibly even earlier). * Repeated use of \language=-1 could result in "There is not room for another language". * The lua true coroutines patch (Coco) is now disabled on OpenBSD running on non-intel platforms. * The lua socket library is patched so that it will now compile on OpenSolaris. * Luatex now has libpng 1.2.33 and mplib 1.100 The archives (source and binaries) can be downloaded from supelec, as usual: http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/luatex/ Bugs and feature requests can be added to the issue tracker at http://tracker.luatex.org Have fun, Taco